Chapter 7

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He bit his lip gently looking down at his lap, not wanting to meet the glares he was receiving from the three boys sitting around him. Seokjin spoke up first, annoyance tainting his voice "What the hell Yoongi? Do you want to make her leave before she even officially lives there?" All the man could do was shake his head, sighing softly and looking up.

"I'll go apologize." He stood slowly and started towards the entrance to leave but Namjoon's words stopped him.

"There's no need for you to go."

Yoongi's eyes went to the younger man's carefully, narrowing them skeptically. "And why's that?"

"Because she has Tae and he's better for her than you."

"What the hell does that mean? They aren't together, they're just friends. Her boyfriend is unfortunately Mark, the demon from a few years ago." He spat the words at the other boy, looking at the other boys to get his point across but the looks of confusion were painfully obvious. "What now?"

"Yoongi, are you sure you know her as well as you think?" Hoseok spoke softly. Something about the way he said it sent a chill down his spine. He just short of ran to the entrance and saw you standing there, Taehyung cupping your face with his mere centimeters from yours. His heart constricted at the sight but to make it that much worse you held his hands and whispered something. He was too far away to hear but he needed only wait a few seconds more before Taehyung closed the distance between you both.

His jaw clenched as emotions swelled within him. Anger, jealousy, betrayal flooded his senses and he knew his eyes were glowing from the bloodlust he felt slowly start to consume him as he slowly started on his way towards you. Hands tightly balled in fists by his side that only seemed to get tighter as your hands went up to his hair. He felt the sticky moisture from the blood in his palms but he didn't care. All he knew was he needed to get Taehyung off of you and show you who you belonged to. Before he could get much closer two hands clasped tightly on his arms and he growled dangerously low, not wanting to be stopped. Namjoon's voice was low and laced with slight malice, "If you cause a scene here, it'll get very bad, very quickly." All he could do was stand there and watch, his heart breaking with every second but he knew he still loved you, if not more so now that he actually got to be in your presence, to hear your voice.

When you finally pulled away from Taehyung the smile you wore was so damn sexy that Yoongi's breath caught in his throat. Nearly all the anger he felt melted away when your eyes darted over to him and locked onto his. You held his gaze a few seconds longer and he felt himself relaxing, falling deeper under the spell that you cast on him. When you turned away and showed off your exposed back as you walked away with your arm linked with Taehyung's he felt his ability to stand weaken, Namjoon's and Hoseok's arms on his being the only thing keeping him up. A dry laughter escaped his lips and he looked up, running a bleeding hand through his hair. "She'll be the death of me one day, I swear it."

"Are you back to your senses now?" Seokjin asked, holding a small doggy bag and looking at him with a slight frown more than likely eyeing the blood streaked through his green hair. Nodding slowly, he walked away, heading towards the exit and finally to his black Camaro. Sitting in the car a moment to calm himself enough to drive home and finally starting the car, knowing that he'll have to see you there as well made him both excited and nervous. He kept learning just how much he didn't know you and it both thrilled and terrified him because although he knew that he didn't know you as well as he could have he thought that most of the things he knew were right and so far, they were all wrong.

When he finally arrived home he noticed your car in the driveway and the light in Taehyung's room was on. Something told him to not look but he couldn't help it and he saw you standing there while Taehyung unzipped your dress. All the feelings he had at the restaurant came flooding back and he quickly exited his car and practically ran into the house and up the stairs. When he got to the door however he heard your voice, it sounded so tired and sad. "Was I too hard on him? I really didn't want to hurt his feelings." He blinked a couple times, his hand frozen mid-reach for the doorknob. Does she mean me?

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