"Man its to early for this" I groan as I hear banging on my door, sitting up on my bed I reach over and drink the last little bit of beer from the can. Grunting as I stand up I pull on some boxers and head to the door.
As soon as I open the door a fist collides with my nose. "WHAT THE FUCK" I yell, angry. Rubbing my nose I feel wetness and instantly know that my nose is now bleeding, fuck.
"Get changed and get to school you bastard" Grunting I slam my door in my fathers face, I'm well used to this. Throwing on some jeans, and a clean smelling shirt I pick up my cigarettes and my lighter and walk out the house.
Pulling a cigarette out of its packet i light it up and walk through the back alleys to school, though everyone knows i wont attend. Why should i? Pointless stuff, but i have nothing to do today so may as well actually show up to maybe two classes. Inhaling the smoke i kick a stone down the alley and turn left onto the main street.
"Oi! Adrian, over here!" Looking over i see my best mate, Andrew. Walking over he puts out his hand for a shake but instead i blow smoke in his face and turn away.
"Happened again eh? You're dad is crazy man, fight back." Andrew grunts out, he always says this. And i do fight back, but i get it worse each time.
Walking to the bus stop me and Andrew discuss this apparent new chick that moved in. Apparently shes fit as but shes a poshy. When we get to the bus stop we instantly get surrounded by fit girls, all of which i have already banged. Inhaling the smoke i lean against the bus stand and wait for the coach or double Decker bus.
Flicking the ash to the ground i turn round and engage myself with the conversation, its about me turning up for school. Whatever.
"Adrian is ACTUALLY in school! what's happened??" Stella says, Stella is my girlfriend currently, shes a little bit of a slut but shes only slept with me.
Wrapping my arms around her waist i kiss her neck and mumble softly "I came in to see you" making her giggle and turn around. Instantly her face turns to disgust at my appearance and the stench of alcohol and smoke is still stuck on me.
"Baby did you even shower or brush your teeth, here i brought my brothers deodorant and some mint gum" She hands them to me, quickly pecking her lips i spray myself down with some deodorant and then shove the packet of gum in my pocket, not before putting one in my mouth.
Just as the bus pulls up i pick her up and carry her upstairs and to the back of the bus with all the year 7's staring at us weirdly. Glaring at a couple as i pass i place her down on the back seat and then plop down next to her. Instantly i light up another cigarette only to have it ripped out of my grasp quickly.
"What the fuck!" I yell out angrily instantly turning to Alex who is holding it, standing up i get up in his face.
"The fuck you doing down here posho?" I spit "And the fuck you doing with my tab?"
"Well, one! I'm here to tell you we have a new kid on the bus, up front. And she will go into a coughing fit if she smells smoke, so if you please. Put it out." He says in his poshy voice.
"Fuck right off there posho" I say as i snatch it and inhale it " I ain't puttin' it out, i paid for this y'know" And then i puff it into his face, falling back onto my ass on the seat.
"Now fuck off" I spit and continue smoking it, passing it to Stella who intakes it. Then adrian does the unthinkable and kicks my leg. No, it didn't hurt but it got me angry enough to jump up and punch him in the face.
I kicked him in the ribs then punched him again in the face "Fucking touch me again and see what happens posho" I spit angrily.
Sitting down i feel hands on my shoulders and lips pressed gently on my neck, groaning i wrap one arm around Stella's waist and bring her down onto my lap.

Barely Surviving
ActionAdrian is apart off a poor family, he has two siblings who their parents favor yet he gets abused. As Adrian gets older drugs and alcohol makes way into his life, his parents quit beating him, and he meets a girl. Lillian is apart of the rich sociat...