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Credit: Instagram. manurios (that's who Jasper is.) go follow him, he's a walking God.
Welcome to Code: 9
*Coarse language


Jasper was in and out for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only out for an hour. Tossing and turning, eyes scrunched like he's having a bad dream. Luka was worried about the boy, tried calming him down but couldn't do much with his parents standing in front of him. He stole a quick glance to his helper and made it clear to her to go help him; she nodded looking at the boy with sympathy.

Luka took a seat, talking to his parents, discussing plans for his future, giving their rights up as his parents and handing it all over to Luka.

His parents never felt bad about what they were doing, they just wanted him in better hands and out of their lives so they could live. They weren't concerned about him.

Disgusting, Luka thought, as he ran his fingers through his bright orange hair. They set up an account for him which will last him the first five years and ten months. Luka had asked them if there was anything they wanted to leave behind for their son.

The mother looked towards her husband with a glint in her eyes, they handed him a manila folder out of the black satchel that the husband was carrying.

Luka looked down at the folder once it was in his hands, it said Jasper's name in cursive writing. He's guessing the mother wrote it. "In there is Jasper's entire life, from the jobs he worked, the money that he had made, to the schools he went to and all of his accounts are in there. Parts of his medical history and all of his doctors as well. We would prefer if you didn't take a look through this folder. He'll probably want to take a look at it, himself." Luka nodded his head in confirmation, wanting to respect their wishes.

Luka looked towards the slumberous boy once again before returning his cold blue stare towards the awful parents. "We'll take him off your hands." With that, Luka said goodbye and glad his meeting with them was finally over. The parents left leaving behind their only child, now in the hands of Luka.

He looked towards the boy from where he stood, "You're in good hands now." He said to the sleeping boy, even though he's not a boy anymore. He let out a sigh, looked at the girl standing next to him and nodded saying to stay close by, and let the boy sleep until he woke and discovered reality. The girl left, staying close to the building just as she was ordered to do.

Once Jasper finally awoke, he was laying down on a single hospital bed strapped down while he was coming to, he couldn't feel the straps. Luka wasn't sure what he would do if he would remember right away. "Hmm, where am I?" Jasper slurred. He was completely delirious, he didn't know what was going on, let alone his surroundings. He woke up in what seemed like an operating room with his hands and feet strapped down. He couldn't remember anything.

Once he was finally awake and tried moving his arms and legs to sit up, it was futile. His eyes widened in panic, he tried pulling at the restraints trying to free himself but couldn't. He let out a strangled sob at the thought of him never getting out.

Luka heard the sob and entered the room, his heart broke at the scene. He took cautious steps towards Jasper, saying soothing words to calm him and make him see reason. Once Jasper realized he was in no danger, he relaxed. Once Luka thought that Jasper was well enough, he took him out of the chair waited for him to see clearly. He slowly walked him out of the room while making small talk with the young lad; still trying to calm him down. Luka could still see that young Jasper, was looking around himself, in a cautious manner.

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