Room of Requirement

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Guys! In this I think of the boys as 17. It may not fit with the storey line, but, just go along with it.

Harry P.O.V.

I am sick of being single. Hermione and Ron are constantly fucking in the boy's dorm, Dean and Seamus tend to as well, and I'm just supposed to wait till they are done, one after the other, and they finish cleaning. I'm sick of it. Sick. Of. It. I just want to have someone and shove it in their faces because I am the odd one out. Even Ginny started dating some Hufflepuff when she figured out I was a virgin. It's not really MY fault. Everyone thinks that "the chosen one" would have all the choice in the world, but that's completely off, being the one to kill the dark lord causes everyone to just fangirl over me and not even touch me. I want to be touched, how does no one get this? I'm so horny and desperate I'd probably fuck a Slytherin. Ha! As if.

I'm definitely sleeping in the room of requirement tonight. Stupid Hermione and Ron taking over the dorm and Dean and Seamus taking over the common room. No surprise that their constant mouth slurping made the rest of Gryffindor run off.

Draco P.O.V.

Stupid Crabbe and Goyle. Stupid Blaise and Pansy. Always fucking fucking fucking. No courtesy for those of us who have dignity. ARRG. Horny teenagers, they hump like bunnies, it's disgusting and undignified, I would love to hex their genitals into blast ended krewes and see if they'd still suck each other off. They probably would be completely fucking honest here. Room of Requirement, AGAIN.

The door is already there. Weird. I open up and there is someone in the bed I have slept in for the past two weeks. Stupid Helga Hufflepuff making this stupid room for EVERYONE. I had first dibs and this freak should not be in my bed... Reading. Merlin fucking dammit.
I slammed the door shut behind me.

"Wha..." The idiot clumsily dropped his book and the unforgettable face of Harry fucking Potter looked at me with wide eyes as I sneered at him.

"That is my bed, Potter"


"Is that the only word you know?"

"Wha... I mean, Malfoy, this isn't anyone's bed, it's the room of requirement, it's for everyone."

"Stupidity suits you, Potter. I have been sleeping here for two weeks now because of my 'roomies' as you would call them, are too busy fucking each other's brains out for me to get any dignified sleep."

Potter mumbled something unintelligibly.

"Speak up golden boy, I can't hear you."

"I said that so are mine."

"Oh great. Am I supposed to be sympathetic? You Gryffindor probably join in and have a big orgy."


"I don't see why not. Aren't you supposed to be brave"

"Doesn't mean we are stupid."

"Kinda does"

"Does not."

"I am not going to have a childish yes, no, yes, no, argument here. It's my bed, get out."

"Can't we just share."

I scoffed. "Share? With you? I'd rather you fuck my ass."

"Why don't I." He whispered in a very seductive voice. I gulped, and for once I was speechless. "Oh, Malfoy stop gaping at me and just go to sleep on the other side of the freaking bed. I will stay on my side if you stay on yours."

I can't believe he said that. Was Potter... Did he?. Oh, I'm an idiot, it's POTTER, nothing's gonna happen.

Harry P.O.V.

Look, I know I'm horny, but I just want to make sure you understand this. I was joking. I have no attraction to Malfoy's soft blonde hair, stormy grey eyes that look like they could drag any guy to drown in them... I am not into him at all. I turned off the light and we slept facing the opposite way of each other, as there really was no other option.

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