last goodbye.

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- 55 years later -

jackjackjohnson: um... hello?

sammywilk: jack? hey!

jackjackjohnson: i havent talked to you in a while...

Sammywilk: yeah well, after Skate died and my kids went
to college, ive been alone.

jackjackjohnson: i am alone too... my kids, all 5, left. and jack, well he's in the hospital.

sammywilk: why is he in the hospital?

jackjackjohnson: old age. and also, he's sick.

sammywilk: remember, when we were young, all four of us drove to the hospital. because we got high for the first time , and thought we were going to die . 😂

jackjackjohnson: yeah, good days.. so i just wanted to say, thank you for the memories. and that i hope we can meet again.

sammywilk: a little reunion, sounds nice. what hospital is Gilinsky in?

jackjackjohnson: Gordon Hospital.

sammywilk: alright, i'll see you soon. youre my best friend, i love you.

jackjackjohnson: i love you too buddy

Sammywilk has left the chat

jackjackjohnson has left the chat

the end.

yes, book has ended. another book will be out this summer. which im exciyed about. im sure you'll love it. I didnt know how to end this.

im trying to say thank you. thank you for reading. if you ever want to talk to know eachother more or if you are bored/sad/happy/lonely, im here.

Next book: "The Freaks"

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