Levi x Reader: Cleaning Time! One-Shot

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Read the description if you haven't already bcuz im too lazy to rewrite what i already wrote lmao.



I hate cleaning, I really do. But it's like I have no other choice. But it also means that I can spend more time with Levi! I lowkey, highkey have a crush on him, but he doesn't have to know~

I sigh outloud, not noticing that Levi was watching my everymovement.


"H-Huh?!" I almost dropped the broom that was currently in my hands, fumbling with it so it wouldn't fall on the ground. I catch the wooden handle in time and let out a small sigh of relief. I look to see who the suspect is that almost caused me to embaress myself and to my suprise it was Levi.

'Wow he must be really quite since I didn't notice when he joined me' I thought.

"Oh, it's just you Levi.. I mean- Oh! Levi, Hello~ I didn't notice you come in." I reprased myself outloud so he won't misunderstand,
I'm glad to see him since the only thing I was hearing were the sounds of the broom sweeping the floor and my occansional sneeze caused by the built up dust in the room and it was getting lonely.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "I told you a million times (Y/N) to stop goofing off and get cleaning!" Levi says in an irritated voice.

'Wait I'm confused, didn't he just get here? Telling me multiple times to get cleaning? What?'

I just stood there gripping the broom with a face clearly written with confusion. I glanced over at Levi, I noticed that he looked quite gloomy today.. well, more gloomy than usual. It's quite odd because he always looks so happy cleaning up, even though he never shows it. I'm not Levi's closest friend, but I know him well enough to know if something's wrong.

"Hey, Lee. What's wrong? Why do you look so glum like a plum hm?~" I say with a high pitched voice and with my lips puckered up.

"I'm fine, it's just.." A blush barely noticeable on his face.

"N-Never mind. And stop calling me Lee!"

Ok, something IS wrong. Levi just stuttered and he almost never does. Now I'm starting to get worried.

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" I really don't want to push it, but as his friend ( I wish more), I'm worried for him. Not expecting him to say anything, he suprised me with a deep voice speaking up, the mood turning serious.

"It's just.. it's hard. This. Surving in this world, with the titans and all. Everyday we go out, people get killed. And for what? What is this all for? It's all pointless in the end, we never win against them. Never. Sometimes, I just want to leave. Somewhere far away where there are no titans at all. But that's not possible."

I processed everything that Levi has said to me. A bit overwhelmed even. That was suprising since he never opens up or vents to anyone and shows his feelings. That made me feel all jittery in my stomach, but now's not the time. I thought long and hard about how to respond. I don't want to break or hurt him more than he already is. I just want to protect him, bring him into my arms and tell him everythings going to be alright.

Not many people know this, but Levi may seem mean and intimidating on the outside, but in the inside, he's just a fluff ball full of insecurities and hardships.
Instead of saying anything, I think it would be a good idea to take his mind off his problems for while, even if its just for a little bit. In this case music is the best solution! I make my way to the record player in the corner and began my search of the perfect song.


I chose the song "Show Me How You Burlesque" By: Christina Aguilera.

"A little music won't hurt anyone, right?" I say as I started mouthing the words.

He rolled his eyes at me, thinking I'm just an 8 year old wanting to dance with a grown man. I know..It's stupid, but it's fun! I then started snapping with the beat. He still didn't move. I started walking toward him, until..


I feel right on my face because of the carpet.

"Damn you carpet, we should get you removed immediately!"

Then, I heard giggles. Until that turned into chuckles. Until that turned into laughter. He's.. laughing. A LOT. Wow, when was the last time Levi laughed? Since like.. FOREVER! His laugh.. is actually kinda cute.

"Your laugh is cute." I say out of the blue. I realized what I said and quickly covered my mouth accompanied by a bright cherry blush on both of our faces.

"What...!?" Levi says slightly screaming.

"N-Nothing!" I quickly say pretending not to hear.

" Well... are you just gonna sit there, or I'm I going to have to dance with the broom" Levi says holding his hand out and glancing at the broom.

I smiled slightly and accepted his hand. We soon start dancing, I've never seen Levi this happy since 1991! (Note sarcasm) He's so happy! It almost makes me want to...

"Um..(Y/N)? You alright, you've been staring at me for the past 3 minutes."

Suddenly there was a..



At that moment, everything seemed to stop..

'We're k-kissing!'

It was perfect, other than being pushed accidentally onto Levi. Our lips moved perfectly together. Wait, what's this? I can't breathe?! I thought you could breathe through your nose! Damn you air..

"I-I love you." Levi says once you both broke the kiss for air.

"Love you too!" Smiling and blushing even more than I am now



"Aw! They look so cute together!" Hanji says fangirling everywhere.

"Good plan Mikasa! It was a great idea that we pushed him towards (Y/N)"

"And I think someone is a little jealous~" Armin says while turning his attention to Eren, who is mumbling and sulking in the corner.

"no i'm not.."

"Well, I think we're gonna have little kids running about, heh." Mikasa says while smirking a little.

"WAAAAAA!" Hanji automatically has a nosebleed.

"Oh, Boy.." Armin says.

The End

(What is this 1956?)


wow..this is a whole ass mess lmao

~ kyle uwu
(Edit) -Dang im i really that bad at writing? lol)

Levi Ackerman x Reader: Cleaning Time! One-Shot (AoT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now