Chapter 3

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"Ground zero for what?" Sadou asked taking a defensive stance as he analyzed her chakra flow.

"Why, the next ninja war of course. I dream of extinguishing that will of fire and crushing your village into the dust." she smirked, "And I'm going to use the Stone Village to do it."

"Misaki, take care of the client. Only intervene if it is absolutely necessary. Boys, watch my back." Koda instructed, realizing they were in worse danger than any genin should be exposed to.

Misaki obediently took Lord Hashimada from the battle as the boys each rushed behind their sensei. Koda made a few hands signs before gripping his wrist holding it down low. "I don't know exactly what makes you want to destroy our village, and frankly, I don't give a damn," He said coldly as his hand lit up with a bright blue lightning. He charged her quickly but she was faster.

Risa evaded  his lightning blade with ease "You know, for a shinobi, " She spoke as she kicked him into the ground, "You sure talk a lot."

Koda growled before leaping back up. He made a few more hand signs, "Water style Water dragon jutsu." He said as a dragon made entirely of water appeared from the vapors in the air mixed with his own chakra. The dragon let out a fierce roar before it lunged at her.

She then made her own hand signs. She placed her hand out in front of her as the water froze into solid ice. She thumped the dragon and broke into pieces before Koda's eyes, "Is that really the best the leaf has to offer?"

Koda went to make another hand sign but before he was able Risa lunged to strike him. Sadou was a step ahead of them however. He saw her movement and took the opportunity to strike one of her chakra points. This stopped her from having use of her right arm. "Sento, Let's show sensei what we've been training for." Sadou called to him with a smirk.

Sento nodded, "For sure, lets take her down." He replied with his sharingan bright red. The two comrades braided her with blows again and again. She fell back stumbling against a tree before laughing manically.

She moved her left hand to make a sign.  A mist rose around her and forced the boys to inhale it. Immediately their eyes looked heavy, as if they were half asleep. They turned to Risa and bowed before her. "That's my boys. Now, attack." Risa commanded as Sento and Sadou arose. They both started toward Koda.

The boys were attacking him as he evaded them again and again as quickly as he could. Risa merely laughed at the jonin's struggle. Koda moved trying to keep his focus, "What have you done to him?" He asked with a growl.

"Oh, You don't know this jutsu? Well, You mustn't spend much time in the Mist huh? This is a secret ninjutsu NeroAltra Mist Justsu. It allows the user full control of their victims minds. That's how I was able to fool the guardian five to think there were six of us and how your boys here now think they're my guards. Pretty cool, huh?" She giggled watching Koda's helpless movements as his students attempted to kill him.

Just then he noticed Misaki moving behind Risa. He had to keep his enemies focus. "So the Mist huh? Is that where you're from?" He asked shoving the boys back before jumping out of there way as they attacked again.

"Well I suppose there is no harm in telling a dying man my plan. I'm from no where special. My family were merely farmers in the land of Rice Patties. Then your damn war came. My parents died due to your war. My home was destroyed and my family murdered because the akatsuki were searching for your precious jinjuriki. I was an orphan because your village can't handle their own battles." She growled as the boys attacked this time striking Koda causing him to fall over. "And before I am through the leaf village will be known as the orphan village. I will start war using the stone and then invade your land using the children to kill their parent and if they fight back... The parents will live knowing they killed their own child just to die at my hand personally for such cruelty. Yes, They will know the loneliness and pain I hold with in me and maybe then there will be a true change in this world." She laughed.

"Our jinjuriki knew such pain. His parents died having him and he was isolated because of what he was. We couldn't give him up he is one of us. Now our hokage." Koda replied looking to her "We never meant for you to lose your family but vengeance isn't the way."

She simply flashed a deranged smile, "Oh, but It is the only way. I must avenge them."

"Then you must die."  Koda replied coldly, "Now Misaki!"

"Don't forget to watch all of your opponents." Misaki said shoving her own lightning blade through Risa's back. Blood spilled from her chest as Risa fell to her knees before collapsing to the ground. Dead.

"Well done." Koda said as Misaki helped her brother to his feet. He hugged her as she was a bit shakey, unused to murdering others. Sadou and Sento rubbed their eyes a bit dazed.

"What happened?" Sento asked

Sadou looked around drowsily, "Looks like we won." He said.

"We'll explain later." Misaki said softly, "Right now, we need to get Lord Hashimoto to that wedding."

And so the troop ventured on. The rest of their mission went smoothly and they returned home in one piece. However, Koda couldn't shake the feeling something worse was surely to come. 

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