born and named

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Unamed babys P.O.V
Me and nessie were talking using our twin link when things started shifting around and we heard it "snap" the sound of something breaking then we heard yelling some yelling Bella who i think was mommy asking her if she was ok then we heard someone say Edward get her in the room now which i think Edward was daddy and the lady yelling was auntie Alice i talked to Nessie using our twin link" Nessie is mama ok what do you think happened" Nessie said back " its ok sissy don't worry she will be ok i promise nothing will happen to mommy" then she was ripped open the someone pulled nessie out so i cried the some cold hands pulled me out of my mom "edward its twins" said some old guy "are you sure Carlisle"  said daddy I'm guessing Carlisle was our grandpa or something.

Edwards P.O.V
"Alice get in here"
I yelled she came running in and was by my side in seconds
"yes Edward what can i do"
here i said handing her the second baby she took her and asked what her name was
"Looking at the baby i told alice that her and rosalie can name her
As i was ejecting bella with my venom i knew something was wrong there was blood all over me when i stepped away from her cold body and looked i could tell she was gone it was then that i started crying for her to wake up.
Rosalie then ran up and took me out of the room

Rosalies P.O.V
Alice came down with another baby girl and told me that edward said for us to name her as we were saying names she would either frown or clap if she hated it or liked it
Then alice came up with the best name imaginable
Melody-lyric alexandra Cullen
The baby girl sitting in my lap then started to do those adorable little baby screams while giggling.
"Look alice she likes the name"

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