Chapter 8

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Raven POV:

Why am I the one looking for her first, I thought she was all into passing her grades. I went up the door step and knock on the door and guess who answer the door…it was an older woman. The old ‘tell him I’m not home trick’.

“I need to look for Naria Revison.” I asked the woman who I guess is her mother.

“Naria is out at the moment, I’m sorry but, you’ll have to come back another day.” The woman replies back sadly.

She sounded sad just like when…. never mind. As long as I’m concern to why I’m here is to find that stupid girl and get it over with the project. I can’t get kick out of the team after being in there for 2 months, my future depends on this.

I stop her from closing the door and went into the house. “I’m sorry but, I need to find her and finish off this stupid project that we apparently have to do together.” I said why pushing my way in.

“Hey…asshole, look this way. When I say she’s not here I mean it. You can’t just push into someone’s house and just do whatever you want.” The woman exclaimed. 

All I could do was stand there and laugh like an idiot. “Do you know whose son I belong too? I belong to the ex-mayor. So don’t you dare call me asshole or you won’t have a roof over your head.” I replied back.

“I don’t care, just fuck off.” The woman replied back.

God what is up with her is my presence that annoying even if it is who cares. I walk over to the couch and sat there like I own this place even if I don’t what is she going to do. I pick up the tv remote and turn on last night soccer game and turn up the volume, which drown out the woman voice. I’m awesome like this.

After a while, I fell asleep on the couch then my nightmare was back. I didn’t know what happen after that but, when I open my eyes I found two women crying and hugging each other. The woman that was dress in black looks like she’s just been to a funeral and then there’s the other woman.

When they spin around, I realised that the woman doesn’t know I’m awake yet. So I quickly shut my eyelid and pretended I was still sleeping.

“Mum!! What is he doing here on our couch?” Someone asked.

“Oh, he was looking for you. Something about a project he said.” She answer back sounding so much happier now.

“Just because he said something about a project, you let him in.” I asked/exclaimed my mother.

“Calm down! I didn’t let him in alright, he was the one who barge into the house and I couldn’t chase him out after that, since he was sleeping on the couch.” She defends herself.

“Ladies, stop fighting over me.” I called out from the couch.

“Shut the fuck up and get out of our house.” Naria called back.

She walks over to the couch and pick up the pillow I was resting my head on and started hitting me with it. 

“Hey, what’s your problem? I came all the way here to see you babe.” I replied back and winked at her.

“Just get the fuck out of my house or you won’t see sun light again.” She called out.

“Woman, chill. It’s not like I’m here to rape you.” I replied coolly.

Then I got up from the couch and started heading out. When I got out of the front door, two men were walking towards the house and they don’t look very happy.

I wrote to chapters in one week. I’m proud of me ^^! So what do you guys think? If you want anything to happen in the story…..just comment below, I’ll see if I could add it to the story or just put it in somewhere. So comment and vote…I hope you like this chapter!!


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