Chapter 2

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Your vision slowly comes back to you and you feel your body being jostled around slightly. Something strokes your arm roughly and you look over to see a girl, young, around thirteen or so, washing you.

"Stay still miss." She says with a flat tone. "Who-who are you?" You sputter. "Where am I?" The girl does not answer you. Gesturing for you to
stand, you do as she says. Suddenly becoming aware of your nakedness you turn away from her. "Where are my clothes?"

"I do apologize miss, but they have ripped-" she pauses, "A seamstress would gladly have sewn them but Lord Bolton-" you hear a door creek open, standing there is the same blue eyed man you remembered standing over you.

"Didn't I tell you not to speak with her?" The man looks at the girl sharply. "My lord" she bows, "I'm sorry, she-" the man seems to have had enough, "Get out of my site." "Yes my lord." She bows and leaves the room. Leaving you alone with the strange man.

He steps towards you, surveying your naked body like a piece of meat. You cover your breasts and your face flushes red. "Leave me alone." You command meekly. The man seems not to have heard you. He steps closer towards you, behind you now. You can feel his breath on your neck. "You'll be a fun little toy- that is... Until I get bored of you..."

'I believe I have heard of this man. He is Ramsay Bolton. The Bastard. I've heard tales of his terror but never have I experienced him first hand- until now , of course.' You think to yourself.

He grabs your neck forcefully and pulls you back so that your back is tight against his front. "Don't touch me." you growl. Ramsay laughs, tilting your chin up towards him. "I do like the feisty ones." He says in a seductive tone. Your body trembles, just now you begin to notice the cold northern air.

He grins. "Cold?" you say nothing in fear of what he may do to you. "Don't worry my sweet, sweet pet. You won't be cold for long, I'll make sure of it." Your eyes widen; seeing your expression he remarks, "Shh. It will only hurt a little... I'll ride you until you go numb and then I'll toss you to the side like all the other whores before you."

"Please- I-" he cuts you off, "I want to go home! Please, I won't trouble you-" he mocks you. "Your begging won't help you whore." Whore... The word stings in your mind. How could I have been reduced to this sick man's play-thing, you think to yourself.

"Besides... I never gave you permission to speak." With that he slaps you across the face, sending you crashing onto the cold floor. "You don't to anything unless I tell you, is that clear, girl?"

You nod your head, not wanting to be smacked again. Your cheek stings. "Good girl." He grins, pulling you up towards him. "So tell me... Have you ever been fucked?"

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