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Brick and Blossom looked at each other through the glass that separated them. They wanted to know more, more about each other, more about why they were locked up in a lab, more about who they were, and more about why they were kept from each other.

" Blossom, get away from the glass," Buttercup said. Buttercup had come into Blossom's cube.

Blossom spun around to look at her sister who had made herself comfortable on Blossom's bed.

" But why ? Why can't I talk to him ? Why can't I touch him ?" Blossom asked. " What are we and why are we even here ?"

" You know it's bad to ask questions," Buttercup said. " After all, curiosity killed the cat".

" Well, I'm not a cat," Blossom said. She walks to Buttercup and sits down next to her.

" You know what I mean Bloss," Buttercup says. 

Blossom sighs and looks at the glass, the red-headed boy had turned away and was now playing a video game on his bed.

" What are we Buttercup ?" Blossom asked.

" I don't know Blossom, I don't know," Buttercup replied. 

The two sat there in silence.


Hope you liked the prologue !

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