Chapter 1

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(c) All rights reserved. 

Just a warning there's language in this story  ~ mostly from Brick.

Btw It's approximately been 6 years since the prologue, they are now 14 years old. They were eight then.


Brick was fast asleep when his Brother Butch burst through his cube door.

" Get up Brick, they're checking the cubes," Butch said. 

" I'm trying to get some sleep," Brick said rolling over and ignoring what Butch had said.

" The Cross is coming to inspect," Butch said pulling the red covers off Brick. 

Brick groaned and sat up. 

" Are they picking out the Rejects ?" Brick said. 

" Yeah, they are," Butch said. 

" Shit, I'm not ready for that," Brick said. He gets up off the bed and runs his fingers through his messy red hair.

" No one's ready, it's a surprise check," Butch said. 

" That's low," Brick replies. He walks into his bathroom and washes his face with water, waking himself up. Then Brick changes his into a red t-shirt and a black jacket with two red lines on the sleeves. He grabs his red hat from the stand where it was always was, and puts it on backwards.

" I wonder why their checking, this time, there's always a reason," Butch says. 

" Well, we're about to find out, their here," Brick said. 

" How do you-" Butch began to ask. 

The door burst open a group of adults walked into the cube, not even bothering to knock. They were all wearing lab coats and holding clipboards. A blonde woman with black-rimmed glasses stepped forward, Stephanie was her name.

" I'm assuming you know why we are here ?" She spoke. 

" No not all," Brick said sarcastically.

" Be careful how you speak to me, it could very well make you end up dead," Stephanie said.

" I'd rather di-"Brick started.

"-Shutup Brick," Butch said. 

" You'd do well to listen to your brother," Stephanie said. 

"Tch" Brick replied.

" I am not testing you two today, I have already guaranteed that you will never be Rejects," Stephanie said. " I am here to inform you that you are receiving a new brother, His name is Boomer".

" Why do we need another brother ?" Brick asked. 

" I did not ask for you to question my methods," Stephanie said. " You two are also receiving new roommates, I'm sure you'll remember them since they lived next to you for the past few years even though we had replaced the glass with a solid wall".

" You are allowed to speak to them," Stephanie said. " But I suggest you don't speak to them at all, if you know what's good for you".

" Why are they moving in with us ?" Brick asked. 

Stephanie glared. 

" Fine, I will answer this one question," she said. " That is confidential information so I'm inclined not to share the reason with you".

" Madame, there's a boy trying to escape," A black haired man asked. 

" Send them after the escapees," Stephanie said. " Please clean up your room and expect a girl in your room by tonight, we will provide a bed and a dresser for your guests before they are here so you don't have to worry about that".

They left Bricks cube, following after their leader, Stephanie.

" I wonder what they'll be like," Butch said. 

" Who ? The girls or our new brother ?" Brick replied.

" Both," Butch said. 

" Well, I'm not exactly curious to find out," Brick replied. 


...The day before...

" You girls will be staying with your counterparts," Stephanie said.

" Why ?" Buttercup asked.

" Because, we are ruling out the ones that will do our bidding or not, I need you to keep an eye on these two- three actually," Stephanie said. " I need to create a counterpart for you Bubbles".

" What's so special about them ?" Blossom asked. 

" Ask yourself that question, they are your counterparts," Stephanie replies.

" But-" Blossom began.

" -Shutup. Just because I treat you better than I do the other freaks does not mean you can just talk to me the way you talk to each other," Stephanie said.

Blossom takes a step back. 

" We don't like you either you know," Blossom hissed.

" Watch your mouth," Stephanie replies in a harsh tone. " Now go back to your cubes, I will call you when I have a job for you to do".

The three girls leave Stephanies office and make their way to Blossom's cube.

" I hate this place," Blossom said.

" Who doesn't," Buttercup replied. " It's even worse that we do their dirty work for them".

" We have no choice," Bubbles says.

Blossom opened the door to her cube and Buttercup and Bubbles follow behind her.

" I can't believe they're making us live with boys," Blossom said. " They tell us to stay away from them but now they put us together ?".

" I think my counterparts name is Butch, I met him before," Buttercup said. " We had both sneaked out past curfew and ran into each other". 

" You sneaked out ?" Blossom asked. " You were always scolding me about obeying the Cross".

" I know,  but I still did it," Buttercup said.

" Well, I'm going to go to my cube and pack my things," Bubbles said. " I'll see you guys later,".

Bubbles turned and walked out of Blossom's cube, Buttercup following after her.

" ...God I hate this place," Blossom said jumping onto her bed.


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Thank you for reading !

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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