2. The Point of Journalism

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The attached image is of a wall that is built in Gaza, Palestine, to prevent the Palestinians from entering into Israel.

2. The Point of Journalism

From: amnagz@mail.com

To: julieadams@sparks.co.za

Subject: Help.

Good day

I live in Gaza. There is a big war going on. I don't know what to do. Please help.


I sighed, this was the third email. I couldn't ignore them anymore. And it wouldn't hurt to do a bit of research on this "war".

Opening a new tab, I typed into the search bar Palestine war and waiting for the results.

Conflict of Israel and Gaza

History of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Palestine-Israel Conflict

Timeline of the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict

The first link lead me to a Wikipedia article, which probably wasn't the most reliable, but for a quick brief, Wiki gave an okay summary.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the ongoing struggle between Israelis and Palestinians that began in the mid-20th century. The conflict is wide-ranging, and the term is sometimes also used in reference to the earlier sectarian conflict in Mandatory Palestine, between the Jewish yishuv and the Arab population under British rule. It has been referred to as the world's "most intractable conflict", with the ongoing occupation of Palestine reaching 49 years.

Despite a long-term peace process and the general reconciliation of Israel with Egypt and Jordan, Israelis and Palestinians have failed to reach a final peace agreement. The remaining key issues are: mutual recognition, borders, security, water rights, control of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, Palestinian freedom of movement, and Palestinian right of return. The violence of the conflict, in a region rich in sites of historic, cultural and religious interest worldwide, has been the object of numerous international conferences dealing with historic rights, security issues and human rights, and has been a factor hampering tourism in and general access to areas that are hotly contested.

Within Israeli and Palestinian society, the conflict generates a wide variety of views and opinions. This highlights the deep divisions which exist not only between Israelis and Palestinians, but also within each society. A hallmark of the conflict has been the level of violence witnessed for virtually its entire duration. Fighting has been conducted by regular armies, paramilitary groups, terror cells, and individuals. Casualties have not been restricted to the military, with a large number of fatalities in civilian population on both sides. There are prominent international actors involved in the conflict.

Alright. That didn't tell me much but okay. I needed something more recent, though, so I clicked on the news tab and skimmed through the headlines.

Be'er Sheva in Flames.

Netanyahu backs Israel Army.

12 Israelis injured - It's a massacre!

I frowned. 12 injuries was not a massacre. Nevertheless, I was intrigued, and against my better judgement, I found myself replying to this Amna girl.

Dear Amna

I have received your emails, and apologise for my delay in response. Could you please tell me more about this war?

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