Birthdays and Crushes

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Birthdays and Crushes

“Oh my god! What in the world happened to you?” Exclaimed a very horrified Alyson while my shoulders were shaking in silent laughter.

“That little…” she started and that did it.

“Oh my!” I gasped out between laughs. My lungs were aching from laughing so much and I’m pretty sure there are cracks in my cheeks from all the smiling overload.

“Elianna Reyes! I swear if you say another word, birthday girl or not, I’m so gonna kill you!” Rose gave me one of her best death glares but the fact that she was looking like a dredged cat considerably reduced its effect.

“Will anyone explain what in the world is going on…. NO! You will spoil the seats!” Aly shrieked as Rose tried to climb into the car. Rose huffed.

“That little sneak wouldn’t give me the bloody camera!” Rose complained.

“Tragic, really, but that doesn’t mean that would get into a scuffle with a ten year old!” Aly scolded. I swear Rose and Jake have got this whole ‘I’m-so-gonna-kill-you’ thing going on ever since they first met. And at that time Jake was only a year old!

“Towel, anyone?” came a rich baritone from behind us and I jumped up in surprise.

“Shoot!” I cursed as I lost my footing but a hand caught my wrist and prevent my fall. I looked up into the strange blue-gray eyes of my neighbor, good friend and major crush. I think he’s everyone’s crush, except for the happily taken ones.. Maybe even for some of them as well. With over six feet tall, he has ample muscle mass to fill in a T-shirt properly thanks to football. His hairs have natural brown highlights that are a little too long, and fall in his eyes when looks down like he is now. He smiles one of those sexy half smiles that create a small dent on the side of his cheek making it even more irresistible than it already is. Get a grip! I mentally shouted at myself as I tried to find my wits that had gone missing somewhere in the past few minutes. “Hi” I finally breathed. He tugged my up with a little more force than necessary, and since I was still in a haze I went flying into his arms with a very inelegant ‘Uff!’

“Sorry.” He said quietly in my ear.

“It’s alright.” Came my muffled reply. He chuckled slightly, making his whole body vibrate. I wanted to sigh in pleasure.

“You alright birthday girl?” he whispered in my ear as he leaned back slightly but not enough, his warm breath tickling my ear producing a warm sensation. My brain and body were officially on red alert, which meant I had to get away from him, fast, or I will not be responsible for my actions.

“I’m fine.” Came my muffled voice as the warm sensation spread all the way to my toes, turning my knees into jelly. God, why do you hate me so! I thought miserably as I fought the urge to snuggle closer. It wasn’t helping that it was in the middle of freaking December and he was all warm and solid.

“Good. And happy birthday.” He said quietly as I moved back slightly to gain some equilibrium only to slip on ice.

“Oh, hey!” he exclaimed as he suddenly lost his grip before he tightened it, bringing me even more closer to him. I was stuck between groaning at my misfortune and rubbing against him like a cat in heat. Yeah, tough choice, that one.

“Sorry, head rush.” Was the only thing I could come up with. “And thanks.” I pulled back again, only this time more cautiously.

“You’re always falling Eli.” He teased while I turned red. Only around you, I added mentally.

“So true.” I heard Aly mutter in agreement. I shot her a glare as I straightened. They were both watching us with interest but thankfully did not comment.

“Thanks.” I said but he just shook his head and handed Rose the towel.

“Yeah, thanks Ben.” Rose said, teasing grin lighting up her face as he flinched at infamous his nickname.

“Don’t call me that.” He muttered, resigned.

“You should be used to it by now.” I patted his arm in consolation, giving him my best grim expression. He grinned at my antics but wisely kept quiet.

“Okay guys, come on! Let’s get this show on the road!” Aly clapped her hands, all business. I grimaced. “No, no, no, no! You missy are coming with me, got that?” she said sternly to me, raising her eyebrow at me in challenge. I mutely nodded my head. She relaxed, satisfied with my answer, and climbed into the driver’s seat.

“See you.” Rose waved at him and dragged me with her.

“Yeah, see you tonight.” He said with a sparkle in his eyes as he turned and walked back to his house at a slow, unhurried pace with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

God, I’m so screwed.

Hiya people! I’m back! J

Alright, I know it has been a long time since I last updates but I had a MAJOR care of writers block that sort of put a road-block in my plans to update daily… Sorry..

Okay, so major facts.. I’ve changed the name of my hero from Gabriel Drake to Rueben Conrad…. Is it okay? Oh, and some of the other names have also been changed…

I promise, this is the last time I will be re-writing it…

Vote/comment and tell me how it is..

And I was thinking of entering the Watty’s with my other story “Drunken Mistake… Or Not?”… So please help me by voting and commenting on it as well… You’ll find it on my profile page under my works.. Thanks guys..

Until next time… Hopefully soon.. :P


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