My Reaction about Lightning

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Ahh! She's my favorite!

Her hair is just so cool and her attitude, it really suits her, just ahh!

The fact that most girls really choose her as the character, it's because there are lots of things that we like about when using her as our avatar.

She also has a cool weapon! JUST AWESOME.
That gun that can turn into some sort of sword, well I don't know, but it can shift into different weapons. Can it turn into a bow?

And her voice, ah it's just so soothing to hear. I wonder if her voice actor has other works too. I'd really love to hear it.

( this is my only media. I really keep wallpapers of her so yah )
(Is this really blurry, once you've placed it?.... *_* )

Disappointed be like. *_*

(It's not blurry after all. Please turn on your wifi :))

© to the owners of the pic!

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