Ninja of Lightning

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Jay's P.O.V
I walked down to the training area of the bounty, since I can't sleep. As I'm walking I look into the TV room to check the time. I see: 3:30 am. I let out a deep sigh and continued walking to the training area, 'I can't go back to the room, I'll just wake my brothers up' I thought as I opened the door to the room, I felt a cool breeze hit my face and that woke me up properly. I entered the room and carefully closed the door behind me, then I walk over to the window and opened it slightly. I look down and see the waves roll side to side, 'What weird Waves' I thought and shrugged. Suddenly I felt super tired, so I sat down and soon enough I fell asleep.

Kai's P.O.V
I woke up and looked to my watch, "Seven thirty" I quietly muttered to myself and sat up. Cole, Zane and Lloyd were starting to wake up, but Jay is gone.. 'Where is he?' I thought as I looked around. I know that's not like him, maybe he had enough sleep and woke up earlier then us. But then again.. Jay is always the last one to get up. I sighed and got out of bed and got my ninja gi then went to the bathroom to change into it. Once I put it on I brushed my hair so it looks neater. I smiled to myself and went to the control room to see Sensei Wu. "Hey Sensei did you see Jay any where?" I asked him and he replied, "No sorry Kai, I have not." I smile sadly then I go to check in the under base training area. Once I open the door I see a sleeping Jay near the window. "There you are buddy" I mumbled to myself and walked over to him. "Jay?" I say as I shake his shoulder to wake him up " Jay?." Jay started mumbling so I smirk and get a bottle of water and spill it all over him. "Ahh Kai!!" he screamed. I smirked and looked at him. "It's nearly eight Jay" I say to him and he looked at me with shock and happiness, but I shrugged it off anyway. He then stared humming and walked out. Awkward...
so I shrugged that off as well and I followed him to the kitchen. Suddenly the alarm starts and my sister Nya runs in. "Pirate attack!" she yelled and all of us were surprised... Pirates? How? Now..?
I shake my head, "Then let's go beat some scum bags" I said smirking and ran out with my sword at hand. I see that everyone but Zane followed me out. Who cares anyway, now I get some real practise.

No One's P.O.V
Nya and Lloyd quickly ducked as the head pirate shot his gun at them. Kai was sword fighting a good few pirates at the end deck. Cole was making sure none of the Pirates got inside and Jay was hand-fighting a few pirates by himself. Zane on the other hand was in the control room with Sensei Wu, Sensei Garmadon and Misako. Lloyd attacks the head pirate, "Ah the green ninja" the pirate deeply and evilly laughs. Lloyd growled and kept attacking with Nya helping him.
Jay seen that more and more pirates started to surround him. He gulped and continued fighting. He's not gonna give up that easily.... or would he?. No no he can't give up!
Kai was having a good time sword fighting these loser pirates, they are way too easy for him. He's literally moping the floor with them!
Cole was also having a easy time, less and less have seem to come, it's kind of strange though, don't you think?.. They all seem to be targeting the deck, but why? What's so important there?

Ninjago Fanfic: A Terrible Attack {Being Continued}Where stories live. Discover now