Ninja of death?..

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Jay's P.O.V
I'm starting to get tired, these pirates won't stop coming for me. I also have cuts and maybe scars all over my body, they really like giving ME a hard time. The others seem to have it easy. That's when two of them trip me and two more push me. I fall over the bounty and into the cold water. I try to swim but my brain starts shutting down. Memories start filling up the blackness. No... I can't die now I still have a life to live, a journey to finish. But I can't control this.... that's when I hit something and slip into a very, very deep sleep.

Nya's P.O.V
I was hoping to help my boyfriend Jay but I got duty to look after Lloyd today in battle. I turn around for a few seconds to just get a glimpse of Jay, but it's not what I had had in mind. Four pirates got Jay into the water. "Jay!!" I screamed so loud that Kai ran over to me. "Nya what's wrong?" he asked quickly. "Pirates.... Jay...... push..... water" I stuttered and my body was shaking in shock. Kai's eyes widen then he quickly runs and jumps in the water to save my beloved Jay.

Kai's P.O.V
I jumped into the water to save Jay. I still can't believe those cold hearted pirates would do that, not even I would do that!...
I swim trying to spot Jay, then suddenly I see a blue thing on a rock near the bottom.. Jay. I quickly swim down to him, grab him and pull him back up to the surface. Which was difficult. When I got back up only Cole was their to help Jay and I back up. As soon as he did I see Lloyd on the ground groaning in pain and the others surrounded him. Wait... what's going on?.... The pirates are gone any way and that's good. I turn to Jay and start to do CPR on him. It was kinda gross but I did it. Jay stayed asleep though... but at least he's breathing...

Lloyd's P.O.V
Kai went in to get Jay and Nya was in a state of shock. Also the others were busy since more went for Cole. The head Pirate was still attacking me... no one else. He smirked as he pulled a new gun out and shot it. I tried to dodge it but as I did the bullet hit my lower back. My legs suddenly went all jelly like and I fell to the floor. 'Captain Jo' as the others call him, walked over to me and cupped my face with his hand. He smirked evilly, "Hope you like being not being able to walk" he continued that same smirk as he got up. Then he left with a bang. Every single one of them were gone. That's when my back started hurting so I groaned loudly.....

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