part 8 : The Diary

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"Isn't that one of your books you wrote?" Shivani asked me.
"no" I replied.
I opened the diary.
'Property of VG :#:' the diary said.
I opened further.
"Hi, if you are in this room please leave.
It is for your own good.
Me and my roommate stayed in this room. For the first few days everything went well... But after that.."
Her story began as I realized everything that came in my story happened here.
Every Single thing.
"Did you take your story from here" Shivani asked.
"No, obviously not"I said
" where did you take it from,I mean where did get your inspiration "
"Umm...I don't know" I said as I was beginning to realize every idea of the story which occurred to me came in the room, either as a dream or thought in the room.
My story wasn't completed. But this was.

It ended with the death of one of the roommates.

"Whoaaa"we both looked at each other.
We both were speechless for some time.

" Look "I began" this could also be a story . there is no need to believe this just because it says it's true "
"Yeah" she said. I could see she wasn't convinced.
"Let us try to find out who lived here first. May be we could contact them"
I said.
We decided to sneak into the old storeroom were records are kept.

We went at night and stole the record.
We found the name
It was vandana guptha.
There was no second roommate name
"Hey remember the initials? The diary is probably hers"
" but look her story says she had another roommate, even if she had died wouldn't her name be there in this register?"I reasoned
"Yeah" Shivani said.
"so her story probably isn't true "I stated.
We both tried to trace her but were unsuccessful.
I had gone for a movie the next day with my classmates.
When I came back my room was locked.
"Hey Chandana do you know where Shivani is?"
"Dint you hear? She fell down the stairs and broke her leg."
"What?????" I screamed
" we ve been trying for you all afternoon "
" my phone was dead, just put it to charge.Is she in the hospital right now? "
"Yeah come we'll go" she said
I cut through the wind as I ran to the hospital.
"Hey, how are you" I asked weakly.
" I'm more scared honestly "she said
" please change the room, ask the warden "
"Allright, we'll change don't worry." I said

I begged and pleaded the warden to change the room and we both shifted to room 403 which was unoccupied shivani returned from the hospital.
Her leg became normal.
Our lives also started going normal.

Shivani's pov
It was a Sunday, we did not have college.
"Hey adhiti, dint you have to meet a friend now? At 5:00"I woke her up.
"Huh... What time is... Oh crap.. I'm late"
"As always" I said
She hurried up, changed her clothes and ran.
I was combing my hair
"Let me try a new hairstyle...hmm..not bad"
There was a sticker in the mirror which blocked one part "aghhh..... Come on come on" I struggled to remove the sticker. "Yes finally got it," I removed it and went to throw the sticker away.
As I came back to the mirror,I saw something that made every cell in my body to shiver with fright.
Underneath the sticker it said
'Property of VG :#:'

Adhiti 's pov
I ran to make it in time to see my friend.
"Oh God,she's going to be so pissed if I'm late again"... I ran as I crossed the road..
the equation force=mass ×acceleration finally made sense to me as I saw the huge truck which had hit me and the gallon of blood that surrounded me pouring through my wounds.
My eyes became blurry and I blacked out.

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