part 9: sorry

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I woke up with the hospital with the white lights blinding my eyes.
I was confused, disoriented and in a lot of pain.
"How do you feel"the nurse asked me.
I coudnt make out her works and muttered something.
"Good, atleast you are conscious"she said.
My parents came in hugged me with joy.
My friends screamed and shouted
My roommate hugged me tight"that was so scary , you had us in shock for sometime"
After sometime everyone left, shivani came to me,"hey, we were wrong..vandana guptha and her roommate were originally in 403, that room she describes in the book in room 403.
After all the happenings, and the death of one of the roommate,she shifted to 418.
In her diary there was a page in the beginning which was stuck to the cover, in that it says room no 403.
The register does not have the name of the other roommate because she died and only vandana moved into 403
Remember prabu told us about a girl who died, she died in 403"
I shook my head unable to believe the entire thing
"But wait "I asked" why did you break your leg even when we were still in our room, and dint shift?"
"I don't know. The whole thing makes no sense and is totally messed up"she started crying
"Chill,we ll figure this out."I consoled her .
"Do you have the diary with you"I asked
I opened the diary, just as she told I saw a first page which was actually previously sticking to the cover which was torn and showed the room no
"Damn"I said ,reading the room 403
I went through the book again and again.
"Hey what if there is a page sticking to the back cover as well?"my roommate suddenly thought
There was.
I slowly tore it.
It said " sorry for doing this.."
"What the hell" we both stared at each other
"Isn't she actually warning us?why is she sorry?"shivani asked
"Exactly!Why is she sorry?wasn't she also a victim?what did she do?"I asked.
"This means she actually has something to do with our plight"
Shivani said.
It slowly struck me. Everything started after I read the diary.
Before reading it we were in the same room but fine.
The diary was the one which spread the curse .
"She had to do this, to survive"I said to shivani
I explained her the whole thing.
We both realized that the only way survive,to beat the curse was to spread it.
We decided to write the whole story.
We had to write a book such that the curse will spread to the next person reading it.

We did that.

And guess what??

You have just finished reading it.

'Sorry for doing this...'

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