Your Best Friend

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The long, winding hole of blackness finally ended. Frisk thumped onto the ground and quickly pulled herself up, looking around the dark room. Nothing was there, except a small patch of grass and a tiny yellow flower. It seemed weird having that in a hole, it would be up on the top grounds. Frisk walked towards it, putting her hands behind her back. As slowly as a snail, she bent down and examined the flower, it was perfectly normal. It had bright yellow petals and a healthy green stalk. Like someone cared after it. Suddenly, Frisk jumped back as it turned its white beaming face towards her. A smile spread across its face and some black pupils grew too. "Howdy!" It seemed happy and had a high pitched voice. "My name is Flowey, Flowey the flower!" Frisk gasped as it talked more. It got boring after a while. Then it asked for her name. Frisk couldn't speak, so only grabbed a stick and carved her name into the ground.

"Frisk? That's your name? Wow! We're going to best friends! Here, you look hurt, take these friendly pellets. They will gain back your life and heal you," Flowey smiled as the white floating pellets got closer to Frisk. She smiled too, grabbing one of them. It damaged her, acting some of her health away. She looked back at the smiling flower. This time, his smile spread across his entire face and two dagger teeth stuck out. "You idiot, did you really think they would work?" Even the voice got darker and creepier. Frisk quickly got up and held her own arm. "I thought you were like me, perfectly insane! The power of Asgore is going to destroy you sooner than I thought! Hehe!" Before Flowey could finish what he was saying, a huge beam of fire shot at him, and out he was. A dead and burnt flower. Goodbye, flower! Frisk sighed and knew this is what she's going to go through.

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