Chapter 3

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So my parents agreed to go Too LA to visit my grandparents and thank god they Let me got to Part Of My story

I was just sitting in bed scrooling down my tl until I got a notif that Mario tweeted and posted a video

He said "I was speaking my heart Out" And the link of the video

I was really Happy that he posted a video and it was the stripped down challenge..

I never had seen Mario this way,he doesn't do good at school and he has been sad.It broke my heart

So I just tweeted him

"Hey Mario,I'll see you This Friday in LA,don't be sad baby.Love you"

And he actualy noticed me and tweeted back I had that fangirl moment which was just a huge like hugeee smile on my face and screaming

Soo if you're wondering he said

"Heey,can't wait to meet you babe.Sometimes you're sad and you can't do anything about it.Love you more ♥ "

It made me soo happy that he noticed me ahh.
Whit a smile on my face I fell asleep

$Sorry guys I huge skip forwards to Part Of my story in the next chapter this was really short one"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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