chapter 3

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I jump back as vicious claws swipe the air my head recently inhabited the she-wolf moved with incredible speed I'd had to react a few times and her left leg which only a second before had bled freely seemed to have closed up. I circled right from the werewolf trying to work out how I'd gotten into this mess.

Trying to open the door now behind him without looking away would be impossible so I would needed a pretty good distraction, how was I to distract a murderous killing machine if I called for help she would get out and there would be a major disaster but if he did nothing I'd be dead by morning. if I try to knock her out ,no I'd lose there must be a way out of this. Window. if I could get her to smash into it it'd make a gap big enough for me to get through but not her, it would be worth a shot and if it went wrong I wouldn't have any more problems I'd be dead.

I move into a position with the window behind me and her in front of me all I have to do now is get her to charge into an iron window no pressure. I bend down and without losing eye contact punch into a section of the wall until a stone slab comes away I pick it up and throw it across the room hitting home on her snout this would enrage her enough to charge for sure, that part worked well but the next didn't,shoot, she's heading straight for me, okay, I should have thought about this before I did it, see always think before you do, or is it always think before you say? Oh well, so anyway, yeah, a big bloody beast is running towards me and all I can think of is what phrase is right? Okay jot down that I need to go to a mental asylum, for mental people. Okay, so suddenly the beast that used to be Autumn is charging towards me then I jump out of the way before she crashes into the wall plus me which equals crushed wall and a pile of dust that used to be Skyler.

The window and half the wall bends out and in some places the wall completely battered like a cod. I'm so sorry for the owners of the wall, it looks a bit broken to me, oh wait why am I even saying sorry, you lot freaking kidnapped us, so fuck that.

The big bloody beast is looking around for me, I think she's angry... I jump to my feet and dart across the room to the gaping hole straight into the werewolf fist I hear a crunch of cartilage as I'm flung backwards into the wall where I hear another crunch but I'm sure it wasn't cartilage. I look around groggily to see were she had gone to see the monstrous beast standing over me with an evil grin as the dark closes in and I loses consensus....


My eyes flutter open and I can feel a moving sensation, my head throbs as I try to remember what happened. I look around to see a forest, but less leafy, so more like a wood really. Then I look down to see big fury paws clutching me, I look up to see a big fury face looking down at me. I hold a scream, but I look at her so frightened I might shit my pants. She looks down at me in a sad expression and places me on the floor. Then she starts to walk away, wtf?

"Wait!!" I shout. "WAIT!!!!"

She turns around and looks at me.

"Change back." I say.

She nods in her approval, suddenly before she does her ears prick up and she looks behind me. She snarls a nasty snarl, then she leaps. I duck just in time to see her land on a guy in a black suit. Then she points behind me I do a 180 degrees turn to see two guys, one holding a gun, the other with his hands in balls of fists.

Fist guy runs towards me, and tries to land a roundhouse in my face, I duck and slash out his stomach with my talons, he drops to the floor were a pool of blood was already forming. the second was aiming at my head focussing at the spot behind him. I hear a shot but I'm standing behind him, he shot at thin air. Wait did it happen again or am I going crazy. Well I'd better deal with this guy before he notices he mists, I plunge my hand into his spine and rip out a large chunk of bone as he joins his partner on the grassy ground, what he deserved it don't judge. I turn to look in Autumns direction then immediately turn back round to give her some privacy, well the most you can get in the middle of the woods. I take off my hoody and give it to her, at least she has something to cover her modesty.

As we continue to make our way to, wait a sec were the hell are we freaking going?

"So where are we actually going" I ask

"Don't know completely myself" she replies honestly

"What happened exactly I don't remember much except you trying to kill me as some huge beast " I complain

"Sorry I completely check every day to see which ones are full moons" she says sarcastically

"Well you should look at me" I say "Wait yesterday I had at least five broken bones what the f**k have I gotten into" I exclaim bewildered

"Just a 5000 year old fight between demons and werewolves but I believe vampires are just hated all round" Autumn says scowling

"Thanks so we're not neutral just hated by both" I say still complaining "You really don't have much control over your werewolf side you tried to kill me last night "

"You made me run into a brick wall, with iron bars plus during full moon changes we are forced to change plus have an institutional desire to kill I was going easy on you" Autumn said, punching me lightly on the shoulder.

I sigh as she punches me on the shoulder, after that we don't talk for very long, she just stares into space and I just look into her eyes. She gives me a quick glance but then looks  away quickly.

A few minutes pass then Autumn finally says something.

"Er... not to be rude, to interrupt your little staring session, but shouldn't we get moving?" She asks.

I quickly turn away, "Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

So we start walking, where? I don't freaking know! Gosh, what do you think I am a freaking compos?

We walk for a good 10 minutes before I hear a twig snap behind us, I do a 180 degrees turn to see... nothing? Why am I so good at imagining things, the next thing I'll imagine someone running up behind me and jumping on my back.

Suddenly, I feel a lot of weight on my back, wow, I am good at imagining things.

"Skyler, your back!" Autumn says.

I shack my back and something heavy lands with a boof on the leafy ground. He gets up, puffing out his cheeks and clenching his hands in fists.

"W... we can talk about this." I say.

"Does it look like I'm the kind of person that likes TALKING?" He replies.

"No, not really bu-"

" Er , Skyler, I think that's our cue to leave..." Autumn says.

"Yes, well we will see you later, um, can't say its been nice talking otherwise I would be lying, so goo-"

Autumn drags me away before I can finish my sentence. And by then we are being chased my a mad man who needs to sort out his anger issues.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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