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Brooke's POV: I hear the sound of my alarm clock go off, i turn my head and its 6:15am, urgh. I slowly sat up as Paige brought me in a cup of tea "thanks paigeymack!" i said as she passed me the drink, "hey brooke, can i talk to you about something please?" she asked worried. "yeah course, sit down" i said, paige jumped on my bed next to me. "so, whats up?" i said as i took a sip of my tea. "well, im worried about today, miss abbey always yells at me, and i try not to let it get to me like you say, but its hard, it really upsets me, i try so so hard but, i just can never seem to please miss abbey", i put down my tea and put my arm around paige "aw paigeymake, dont worry sweetie, miss abbey hasnt got anything to yell at you for, we were the only ones who went to the bootie camp and vertually every practise, and the ones we missed was only because we went on vacation for 7days, everyone else went for 2weeks, if anything miss abbey must be impressed, mom booked a short holiday especially so that miss abbey wouldnt be mad, and i'll talk to miss abbey if you want?" "no brooke, i couldnt make you do that for me" "listen paige, yes i may be scared of miss abbey, but i dont care, if it could mean she would maybe stop shouting at you for at least one day, please paige, what have i got to loose ey? im already always at the bottom of the pyramid" "are you sure brookie?" "yeah paige, now come on, lets go downstairs and get some breakfast" "okay brookie" paige said as we jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.

"hey mom!" me and paige said as we sat down at the dining table "hey girls, here's your breakfast!" my mom replied as she passed us both a glass of apple juice each and some cereal "thanks mom!" we said in unison. We ate our breakfast and ran upstairs. I got a shower, brushed my teeth, put my hair up in a tight bun, applied a little foundation and mascara, i then went into my wardrobe, i put on my black bootie shorts with my black bra top on, i then put on my ALDC tracksuit jacket and joggers over the top. I put on my marroon converse, grabbed my phone and my dance bag, and ran downstairs. 

"kids you ready?" my mom said "yeah!" me and paige shouted back as we ran out the door and into the car. I sat in the front with my mom and paige sat in the back. It was about a 45 minute drive to dance, i put my earphones in and listened to music the whole was there.

We arrived at dance at 8am. Me and Paige jumped out the car and walked into the studio, my mom followed us in "hi miss abbey" me and paige said as we walked in, paige carried on into the den and my mom passed me to go and sit upstairs, i slowly walked back to the desk, "hey miss abbey, could i urm maybe speak to you for a minute?" i asked worringly, "sure brooke whats wrong?" miss abbey asked, "urm, maybe in private?" "oh sure brooke, come on, we'll go in studio C" miss abbey said as i followed her into studio C. "So whats up brooke?" miss abbey asked as she sat down, i sat next to her "hi miss abbey, i was talking to paige before dance, and well, she told me that she really wants to impress you, she's been working so hard over the summer, been at dance as much as possible, she's been streching and conditioning every night for at least an hour, she thinks your dissapointed in her, and that she's failed you" "oh brooke, i know i may be a little hharsh on paige at times but i never want her to feel like that! oh no, i'll definately have a word with paige!" "thank you miss abbey!" "no problem brooke, go into the den and get changed, pyramind will be in 5minutes" "will do miss abbey" i said as i left studio C and entered the den, i said hello to everyone, i then went in to my usual corner next to paige and nick and put my bag down, i took off my joggers and shoes, but kept on my jacket as i was a little cold, i told paige that the conversation with miss abbey actually went okay, she seemed relivied, i gave her a hug. 

"Girls! Pyramid!!" miss abbey held, me and paige ran in to studio A and lined up, the moms followed. "Right girls, so we are back to the competition season, well, long time no see for some of us hey?" miss abbey said sarcastically. She then continued to say "any way, on with the pyramid. First on the bottom, we have maddie, you didnt come to ANY practises for the past 5 weeks?!c'mon! Next we have Mackenzie, same for you! Next is Asia, Asia you've been almost as bad, you've hardly come to any practises, not good enough! Next is Nia, Nia you've been to as many practises you could but you were on holiday for 3weeks, too long! Moving on up the pyramid we have Chloe, chloe you have been here loads in the holiday, improving your skills, especially in tumbling which i am very impressed with! Well done. Next we have Brooke, brooke you and your sister have been here for 4 weeks out of 5, and your mom especially booked a one week holiday so that you wouldnt miss too much dance, also, we only got the silks brought into the studio 2 weeks ago, and you look like you've been working on them for years, i knew you'd take to them well, well done!" i smiled and replied "thank you miss abbey!", she nodded and continued "and at the top of the pyramid, Paigee!!" miss abbey said as she revealed the picture, me and chloe gave paige a big hug. Miss abbey continued "Paige, likewise to your sister, you've also been at the studio very often over the holidays, you've improved so much and have also took to the silks extreemely well!" "Thank you miss abbey!" paige said with a big smile on her face, i love it when miss abbey's nice to her. Miss abbey continued " So this week, we shall be attending in10sity dance competition, in Ohio! yes thats right, so we have to have our heads in the game, candy apples will definately be there and we NEED to beat them!right then, assignments, everyone will be in the group dance, its going to be a contempory piece, it will be featuring two girls who will be working on the silks, Brooke and Paige!" i couldnt believe it? us both featuring?! and using the silks?! yeah! me and paige gave eachother a hug, miss abbey then continued to say "Right i also have two solo's and a duet, the duet will be Chloe and Paige, it's going to be a contempory/lyrical peice about two friends growing up together" paige and chloe hugged eachother, they were so happy! Miss abbey then went on to say "and finally, the solo will be going to, brooke! it will be a lyrical piece using the silks!" i cant believe it?! a solo with the silks?! wow! "thank you miss abbey!!" i said smiling as chloe and paige hugged me, im so excited for this weeks competition! Miss abbey dismissed us all but kept paige and chloe to do their solo, i went into the den and sat down with nick, everyone else was in class. "Hey nick you okay?" i asked as i grabbed my phone out of my bag. "oh nothing much, hey can i ask you something?" he asked. "yeah sure nick, whats up?" "well i dont know if pauge told you, but i asked her would she like to go on a date with me, she said yeah but now im freaking out, i dont know where to take her or anything?!" "awe nick, dont panick, just take her to say the movies to a film she likes, buy the popcorn, have a laugh, be yourself! okay?" "okay thanks brooke! well i better get to my class, bye!" "bye nick!" i said. 

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