Blood zombies selfharm life.

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Hey guys, im treasure!

(this is my life and some different things to.)

I live in Tennessee.

I moved to Washington.

I woke up and my mom told me.

"honey were moving so get all your things to go to Washington". my mom says "what why that's not fair!"

I say. "just do it!"

she says. "B- "

she cuts me off

" no no buts about it!"

So I'm in Washington now and it's a lot bigger than Tennessee ugh but I have no friends all of mine ar- never mind I'm not so sure they were my friends

Everyday someone calls me fat,ugly,whore,slut,a sexiest bitch,gay,bisexual.

I don't know what I am anymore I have a inner demon.

It gets to me I hate it so I just (it's self harming but for to tell u I'd say the bleeding on the arms that had split open or just saying a cat scratched me) ...

So I get my stuff settled in to my room and I just lay there and then I fell asleep after awhile, then it became the next day, my mom woke me up at 6:30 in the morning and said it's time to get up, you have school. she said but I don't wanna. I said. She took me to school and I always knew that she would do that if we ever moved; okay so there is half of that here is what I'd believe in

Zombies (I believe there will be a apocalypse soon here in Washington)



And more monsters.

So I got dressed I am wearing black skinny jeans, my blue beanie, my striped blue and white shirt,my favorite band bracelets, and my converses. My mom took me to school have a nice day. she says to me as I get out okay i say as I shut the door

I open the door of the school building and I walk to the principles room and then he said they had a assembly and I thought that was cool and I went to the assembly and then I got my class schedule and went to my classes.

My teacher made us write down notes and I dropped my pencil and I reached down for it and my sleeves were up and this boy looked at my wrists and he ask what happened?

he said, I pulled my sleeves down cats. I said, he raised his sleeve up

I have cats too. just right there I wanted to cry but I knew if I did I woul- the bell rang

It was time to go home

I didn't know it but when I started to walk home because my mom works after she drops me off, I noticed that the kid that sat by me after I dropped my pencil lived next door


I told him


he said, we walked home together

"um so do you wanna come in?"

I ask

"uh I don't know my mom is quit a bitch".

he said

"don't worry my dad is the same way till my mom and dad got a divorce, and after that i never seen him again"

I said

"I'm sorry he said hey whats your name?"

I asked


he said

"oo cool name I'm treasure"

I said as we shook hands

"nice to meet you treasure"

he said

so we went into my house and some creepy looking man was in my house "hey sweety" he said I was silent I didn't say anything "so who's your friend"? He asked I still didn't say anything

Well I guess I'ma go said jayson

So the man who was there was my Father oh dear god I thought I was going to be kidnapped I ran and dialed 911 because I didn't know it was my father till my mom came home early I ran to my mom and he followed mom I screamed she hugged me and she asked why was he here

"I want to see my daughter"

he said

"Well you shouldn't have treated her the way you did"

My mom snapped

"I love her as much as you do" he said

"You have to prove that" she said

They fought so I went to jaysons house

I knocked on jaysons door he opened it

Hey I said hi he said um can I um come in my father you know that man who was at my house that was my father so my parents well one of my parents are fighting and the other is just a motherfucker who screwd my life up I said he didn't say anything at first yeah come in he said

I walked in his house whooow I said nice house,thank he said so where's your mom I ask uhhhh she's, he scratches his head, she's uh I think at work he lied.

Oh thats cool I said

Yeah so I have't really looked at your hair tell now and wow it's just wow he said I know it's blue purple and black cool colors right? I laughed will I said that yeah he said

So what are you going to do today? I asked um I don't know but do you wanna go to the A7X concert with me? He asked YES a thousand times yes!

(If u haven't noticed I love a7x) I said

He smiled (he has the cutest smile)

I smiled back

We went to the concert and I had the time of my life and I got a signed shirt

So do you wanna like stay over or something? He asked sure. I said so we went into he's house and it was huge I thought I was gonna get lost but I didn't he guided me through the whole house it was fun then it was noon I yawned,I'm tired I said I laid down,me too he said. We fell asleep.

~next day~

I woke up and got my stuff and put it in his room and I seen cool things in his room but I didn't touch he woke up and came to his room I see you like this room don't you he said I imminently turned around because he scared me Ahh oh it's just you I said, I let out a sigh of relief, as always he said.

I smiled as he said that

I had a phone call from a random caller,I answer


Treasure it's ur father ur coming home with me ur mother uh never mind ur mother but ur coming with me not excuses me father says.

No I'm not

Treasure Alexas pate yes u are he says

U we're not there wen I was born u don't have custody of me, I say as I hang up

Who was that?Jason asked

My so called dad I say We'll do u think I can stay over?

Yeah he says

We went to sleep at 9:30

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