chapter seven / english time

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third person (this chapter they are speaking all english not korean)








"ah, this is useless," hansol sighed and sat back in his seat.

"ah, zis ish oosless." seungkwan copied.

"one more time," hansol said, sitting back up and looking right at seungkwan. "ah. pull."

"ah! pull!" seungkwan said, with a heavy accent.

"you got it!" hansol said and smiled. "ok, now flower."

"huh?" seungkwan tilted his head.







hansol quickly kissed seungkwan and smiled at him, acting like it didn't happen.

seungkwan sat wide-eyed, cheeks rosy and mouth in a small o shape.

"kish," he said, pouting his lips for another kiss.

"no, i'll kiss you again when you learn to say it right."

"wearn to shay it white." seungkwan copied.

hansol laughed at him and nodded, getting up.

"come on downstairs seungkwan, we can eat and show my family your english." he said slowly so seungkwan will understand.

seungkwan stood up and followed hansol down the stairs. "hey mom," hansol said.

"hey." seungkwan quietly copied.

"seungkwan has been learning english."

"oh, has he?" his mom said with a smile, "come boys, dinner is ready."

"dinnur sh weady." seungkwan said, smiling at hansol.

"i know, come on cutie." hansol said, putting a hand on his back and leading him into the kitchen.

"i made soup, you like soup seungkwan?" hansol's mom asks, putting bowls of soup on the table.


"seungkwan looves soup, right?" hansol says, pulling out seungkwans chair for him and sitting the one beside it.

"ah, shoop." he says, pointing at the soup, making a face and doing a hand gesture as if he knows what he's talking about.

"eat your soup seungkwannie."

"eat," he says and points at hansol.

hansol laughs and nods, "i am, you eat yours!"

"eat yoursh," he says. since he doesn't know the words, seungkwan ends up just copying hansol.

"stoop," hansol says, still in fits if laughter, "i'm gunna die from your cuteness!!" good thing he doesn't know what he's saying.



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