Wriggling Day

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Time Skip cause I can!

*Be Eridan now*

All alone on your wriggling day. How pathetic, this was not how royalty should be treated. You growled as you lay in bed, even Cronus and Dualscar had left, leaving you alone in the house. Just then the door bell rang. You got up and walked down the stairs, curious. Who could it be? You had not been expecting any visitors. You opened the door and sighed staring at the ground, "If you're selling things I'm not-"

"Hi Eridan!"

You looked up surprised to find a familiar face staring back at me. "[y/n]? Wwhat are you doin' here? Howe do you even knoww wwhere I livve?"

[Y/n] had been your flush crush for some time now, not that you would ever admit it. She wasn't a high blood, in fact she wasn't even a troll. Still you were more than a little excited that she had come to visit.

She shrugged, "I have my sources. Besides I felt kind of bad for you, all alone on your wriggling day so I thought I'd come over and hang out with you." She played with the strap of her purse awkwardly. " I can always leave if you don't want me here, I mean I understand-"

You cut her off, "No! No, it's fine, come in." You backed away from the door so she could come in and closed the door behind her. "I thought you'd be at Sollux's party wwith everyone else."

She shrugged again, "Sollux and I got into an argument recently, I thought that he shouldn't have been so mean to you and now he's mad at me. He really shouldn't have done that though, Wriggling days only come once a sweep and he can have a party any day."

You stared at her, "Oh. Thanks I guess."

She looked up and smiled, "It's ok though, we'll get over it soon, for now, happy wriggling day!"

You grinned, "Thanks again, you can sit down if you wwant, " You gestured to the sofa behind yourself.

She sat down and looked around the room, "Your hive is huge! Well, no surprise I suppose, you are technically royalty after all."

You straighten, she wasn't bad for a landdweller even if she was human. "Do you wwant somethin' to eat?" you asked.

"Sure," she replied the grabbed your arm as you were about to go get some food, "Wait!" she said reaching into her purse, "I almost forgot! Here's a present for you." She pulled out a scarf almsot identical to yours except that it was blue and purple instead of black and purple. "I couldn't think of anything else so I got you a scarf."

You grinned, Wwoww! swweet, you knoww, your pretty cool for a human." you told her while switching out your scarf for hers.

She laughed, "You're not bad for a troll."

"Howw do I look?" you ask fixing your scarf and grinning.

[y/n] giggled, "Fabulous, now you were going to get food?"

"Right." you left her alone in the living room while you headed for the kitchen. Maybe this wriggling day wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" she called from the living room.

"I havve nothing good!" you yelled back.

"That's ok, I brought Pirates of the Carribean."

She was really prepared! "In that case, wwhy not?"


Soon, you came back with chips and candy. Together we watched her movie which was actually pretty good and ate junk food. Halfway through you felt something lean against your shoulder and looked over to find that [y/n] had fallen asleep.

You smiled and shifted to support her weight better. She woke up just as the movie ended and she sat up alarmed. "Oh! Sorry Eridan! I was really tired, I stayed up late reading last night."

You chuckled, "It's ok, your rather cute wwhen your asleep." You blushed, did you actually just say that?

"What time is it?" she asked, she seemed to not have noticed your comment. "She checked the clock and lept to her feet. "Woah! I have to go now!"

You sighed and got up as well, "Ok, Cro and dad wwill be home soon anywways." You followed her to the door. "See you at school [y/n]."

"Bye Eridan!" she turned to leave then stopped, "Oh right, here." she flicked something at you and you caught it surprised, turns out it was one of your rings! "[y/n], howw?" you were speachless.

She grinned, "Magic."

"Magic isn't real" you reply, more out of habit than anything but you're grinning as you close the door.

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