Chapter 5

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~ sorry!! I know I have not updated either one of my stories for like a month! But I would to say that I am alive, I just had exams. I have only two more weeks of school until summer, to which I will be updating more! Oh and DO NOT play the video until I say so, please!
-author-chan ~

Your P.O.V.
I strolled out of the quite shop my head hung low in depression with my (h/c) locks covering my face. Jumping into my trusty ride I made my way to the new building.
I wonder which level will be mine... I hope I get the rooftop level, that would be awesome!
With a bounce in my step I happily skipped to the large tower, with some of my stuff in hand.
Well here goes nothing
I approached the door trying to find the handle, except there was none.
Oh its an automatic door...
"Ryuzaki open the door!!!" I shout, trying to find any security cameras.
As if it was magic, the door clicked open, revealing one L and Watari.
"Hello, Miss Ukine, you are just in time." He sounded tired, that's not surprising he does have to deal with a serial killer.
"So where's my floor?" I chirp, trying to sound happy even though my boxes were going tear my arms off from their weight.
L sighed. "It's in the basement."
That's the exact opposite of what I was hoping for.
The dream of a beautiful room left my brain faster than road runner.
I huffed as I dragged myself down to my personal dungeon following the slouched man.
L slid open the door, revealing my new 'room'.
Oh my ducking god.
Before me was a full studio with professional equipment that even I hadn't seen yet.
I squealed like a little girl. "It's amazing!!!! OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!!"
"It's took the liberty of converting it for you, since you like music and requested a soundproof room, I thuaght that you might enjoy this." The monotone man spoke. I totally heard and uderstood what he was saying.... hehe yeah.
The next few minutes I spent blabbing on and on about how awesome L is, how thankful I was, and something about how I owe him my life...? I think? I was even paying attention to what I was saying.
After my many thanks, I burst into the room and checked everything out. It was perfect, enough space for a piano, drums, synthesizers, my microphones, and a little 'stage' to dance on. To one side of the room there was a door that led to my own personal recording studio. I could have died and not known the difference between this and heaven. Yup, I was that happy.

I turned to the door, bowed to L and left to get my stuff out of the van.

~ time skip to after unpacking cuz I'm lazy af.~

I starred at my masterpiece. Although my shirt was soaked with sweat, it was worth it. I was one happy Subaru buyer. I checked my watch, 1:30 time for lunch. I climbed the many stairs to main floor, hearing conversation and laughter.
"Hi (y/n)!!" Matsuda cheered. "What took you so long?"
"Sorry, I just had to blow up the death star, you know the usual." I joked, earning a few laughs from the other members.
L cleared his throat. "Since we are all busy unpacking we'll have the day off. You are welcome to roam the building, just remember I have security cameras put up."
We nodded and did whatever the heck we were doing before, me returning to my studio to record my song and maybe write a couple.
I took my seat at the drums, envisioning the percussion to 'Electric Angel'. Not knowing that a certain panda - eyed man was watching me.

~ time skip to after recording the background music ~

I took a deep breath.
I'm finally done, that took hours. Now it's time for the words.
I set up the mics. One was programmed with a synthetic young girl's voice and the other with a young boy's.
I put on my headphones and began the music.
~ play video now ~

I sang, my synthetic voice hitting each note perfectly, creating a melody through my headphones that brought bliss to me. I nodded my head and danced to the beat of the music, newfound energy filling me.

L's P.O.V.

I, already moved in, decided to see what the others were up to. Mogi was on the phone, Soichiro was doing paperwork, Matsuda was.... well, Matsuda was being Matsuda, and everyone else was unpacking. Execpt for (y/n). She was playing music..? Whatever she was doing suddenly became very interesting so I watched her. The music she was playing was very catchy, I had to admit, but when she started to sing, my heart stopped. Her voice was beautiful and I felt as thought if it stopped I would die. Even though she was my competition as a detective, I couldn't help but feel slightly different around her. Her voice stopped and the song came to a close. She removed her headphones from her head, causing her (h/l) (h/c) hair to fall around her face.
My god she is beautiful...
I was at a loss of words as I watched her slowly cross over to the recording studio and attach a file to an email, sending it to someone.
I better find out what that was, I could have been something about KIRA for all I know
I opened my computer, using two fingers of course, and hacked away.

Your P.O.V.
I attached my masterpiece to an email addressed to my manager and sent it, hearing back immediately.

Dear Akari,
Thank you for another song! Your karinators will be very happy! Just a question, you forgot to title it. What's the name?
Hyperion studios

After reading the email I noticed I did in fact forget a title.
Whoops... hehe... my bad.
I typed another email stating it's name, 'Electric Angel'.
My notifications went off not 10 seconds after I sent the email.

Dear Akari,
It has been posted on YouTube! Now just sit back and watch the veiws! I hope you enjoy the dancing and art!

Happy watching and enjoy the video,
Hyperion studios

I opened a new tab. Sure enough, my video already had over 3k veiws.
I went to the comment section and looked at the reactions before adding my own.
Happy watching! You're all my little electric angels! <3
Content with my work I exited out of all tabs and closed my computer.

L's P.O.V.

After hacking for about half and hour I found her email, which were bound by more security.
Damn it. Why does she need so much security? Oh right. She is the world's greatest.... why didn't I think of that sooner? I fell stupid....
I frown and continued hacking.
The computer wouldn't give. I sighed I'll just ask her later.

Until Matsuda burst into the room.

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