Chapter 32

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One week. Seven days. 168 hours. That’s how long I have left until the final round. It had been six days since Gray came home and six days since my talk with Hunter. It has been nine days since I had had any contact with Liam.

It’s Wednesday night and the house is buzzing with activity but I am lay on my bed, door closed with laptop on my knee. I can hear Gray in his room playing video games with Will, who has pretty much moved in since Gray came back. My mum and dad are in their own room down the hall and for the first time in about two months they are getting ready to go out.

I can hear their en-suite shower running, my dad humming, my mum’s hair dryer. It had taken a lot of work but finally Gray and I had persuaded out parents that we would be fine on our own for one night, it was like we were thirteen again begging not to have a babysitter. Before all this madness had ensued, which feels like years ago, my parents went out once a week, we joked that it was date night and they joked that it was a pest free night.

When my mum comes sweeping into my room at exactly seven thirty I smile up at her over my computer screen. “How do I look?” My mum is a beautiful woman and I defy anyone to say otherwise, tonight this is personified. Her hair, that is usually tied up and away from her face, has been let loose and teased so that it gently waves down her back, cascading over her shoulders and framing her face and the dark outline and eye shadow accentuates the warmth in my mother’s brown eyes. Her dress is a simple black, knee length, halter neck that hugs her body until it floats out at her hips and she has borrowed a pair of my red heels to add a little colour. Simply put, I hope that when I am 46 I look like her.

“Wow mum you look amazing.” I say honestly, shoving my laptop to the spot on the bed next to me. “Do a spin.” She complies and the dress floats as she turns. “Looking like that you probably won’t have to buy a drink all night; guys will be falling over themselves to get to you.” I add with a wink and then wait for what I know will come next.

“The reason they will be on the floor is because I will have put them there.” My dad replies circling an arm around my mum’s waist. “I dare any idiot to try and get close to my girl.” There is a twinkle in his eyes but he is probably being very serious.

“You scrub up good too dad.” I say indicating his white shirt and tailored jacket.

“Thanks baby girl. Now are you sure you’ll be okay with those two?” He says referencing my real brother and what seems to be my adoptive brother.

“They’ll be no problem, it’s not like Gray can get into any trouble anyway.” I look at the clock on my laptop screen. “You guys better get going if you’re going to make the movie.” I point out and after my dad verifies the time on his own watch he jumps into action.

“She’s right Hope, we need to move.”

“Alright George, let me just say bye to my son. Are you sure he won’t need us?” I role my eyes as they leave the room but jump up to follow them out.  I catch up with them outside Gray’s room and lean against the door frame.

“Looking good Mrs Evans.” Will says with a grin. “I can see where Scar gets her looks from.”

“You don’t see anything boy.” My dad warns with a chuckle. “These two are my pride and joy so keep your eyes on the TV screen.”

“And what am I?” Gray questions sounding offended.

“A grave disappointment.” My farther says with a deadpan expression before laughing. “Just don’t do anything stupid, stay in that bed, Scar will help you out when she needs too.” I move out into the hallway and as they leave Gray’s room my dad stops in the doorway. “And both of you remember to take your medication.”

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