My Decision

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The response to the last post was absolutely amazing and i can't believe how many people are interested in the future of this story. I should probably get rid of that post because its like an admin post not a chapter and makes Fighting look more popular than it is, but i'm keeping it because there are some really lovely comments that made me smile. 

So yeah 200 comments later and i now know what i want to do. You guys have been a massive help and i've tried to do this in a way that will disappoint the least amount of people, yet someone will still be disappointed and i apologise for that. 

So here it is, my plan is:

I'm going to write an epilogue and, if i do it right, it will sum things up in a way that will hopefully bring some people closure. But i am also going to attempt to write a sequel, because i really want to and there was actually a rather large demand for it. However, for those who only wanted the epilogue i promise i wont be hurt that you stop reading after that. If Fighting's ending is enough for you then i am happy :). 

The sequel will be focused on Scar and Liam, i'm not ready to let them go, and everything seems a little unfinished. They still have a lot to work through and i want to see how they do it, if they can do it and where it will lead them, but that is just me.

But like i said the sequel won't be uploaded for a while, the earliest being the Xmas holidays. The epilogue i'm aiming to get done this week whilst i am on reading week away from uni. 

So thanks guys for everything and i hope that this decision pleases the majority. :) 

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