Chapter 4

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"Yeah so lets go to that date."

          Ashtons POV

"What movie do you want to watch?" Izzy asked me. "A scary movie!?" I told her. She got a worried/scared look on her face. "I'll hold you babe, no one will heart you." I told her while winking.

         Calum's POV

"Who do you like?" Michael asked me. "A girl named Jamie." said. "I like, no I LOVE Lilly, the girls we both like are best friends" "Oh yeah I forgot that ha."

Lilly's POV

"Hey Jamie I'm bored you wanna go clubbing?" I asked her. "Ya gurl, see ya in a bit. She told me. "Ok bye see you in like a hour." I said.

Michaels POV

"Are you bored too?" I asked Calum. "Ya, wanna go clubbing?" He asked me. "Ya I'm gonna go take a shower." I told him.

Isabells POV

"So we are going to watch a scary movie?" I asked Ashton with the sound of fright in my voice. "Yeah don't worry I will hold you if you are scared." He told me. "Fine what scary movie are we going to watch?" I said still scared. "The Conjuring." He said winking. We got in the 6th row in the theater "BOO!" "ASHHH!"

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