Breaking Bond

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“I am on my way, prepare for my coming.” I informed her
on the phone. “No, you can’t yet. I have made amends for
my carelessness. You can’t come here, you will only
complicate things. I can’t protect him and look out for
you too. I…..” she said as she tried to stop me, but I had
heard enough of her bullshiit,
“You nearly destroyed what we have been building for
centuries now, I saw the moon, he is not bonded with you
and that’s the only way to end this evil. I must come ” I
explained, rolling my eyes at my disappointment in her.” I
will get things right but you can’t come yet, Lucy mustn’t
find out that you lived after she asked me to destroy you.
Please, by the next full moon, everything will go as
planned. “she pleaded.” Fine, you have till the next full
moon. I will still keep watch as I have all these years. ”
Angel has definitely gone too far this time. She has
almost destroyed all that I have carefully planned. But I
have more than what I bargained for. I have been studying
the black book for a while now, and I have been able to
write down spells, enchantments and ingredients required
to make my kind even stronger. But now that Richard is a
bit disappointed with me, I needed to hurry up with
getting more information from the book before he
discovers my end game, that’s if he ever do. I am a full
blooded werewolf now, and there is no better way for Dad
to witness the ability of this beast first hand than with
me, I just have to wait for the next 29 days when he
returns. I have tried reading Richard’s mind for a while
now , but I haven’t been able to, it just seems like he is
being blocked from me. I have tried calling him but I keep
getting his voice mail and Angel too was unavailable.
Wheew!!!!!!!!, How could she even think of coming? I
mean after what I passed through to safely sneak her out
of town decades ago . She should remain where she is,
Richard barely has s grip on himself after what transpired
between us a few moments ago, he can’t bare another
revelation about his past now, not now definitely.
After dropping Richard off at where he parked his truck,
who didn’t utter a single word all through the ride back
home. He was lost in thought and w wished I could read
his mind to see what was eating him up so bad. I guess
it’s another love gone sour.
I arrived town just in time to lead them in the blood hunt.
As usual, Lucy was absent from the raid since she wasn’t
one of us anymore. I couldn’t wait myself to get this
curse off me but I wouldn’t use the path she used. We
got to our destination – a club. The place was bubbling
with kids dancing and screwing themselves. One of them
walked up to me as I joined in the fun, but I wasn’t here
to dance, I was here for blood as I moved my mouth to
his neck and sank my fangs into it.
I still found it hard to believe that I was played by a
woman. I never saw the signs but I should have known
that my survival all these years mustn’t just because I
was immortal but because I was well hidden and
protected From the very trouble I had just found myself
in. How can Lucy be this deceptive and cunning? . The
love was there for God sake,the s*x, the passion, the
vow, I felt all within me, how could she then pulled this up
and I didn’t suspect a thing .
I was out of the house now, I have to stop thinking about
what I learnt today since I stupidity bonded myself with
the very enemy I was out to stop . After Angel dropped
me where I parked my car, I came down and walked to
my car. I didn’t say thank you or anything, just started the
car and drove to my cabin utterly dejected. One thing I
learnt today was that Family is all we got, no amount of
love, affection and care one gives or receives from
outsiders can change that. I thought I was building a pack
but I wasn’t, I was actually building my grave . I got home
and transformed. I ran into the woods, growling and
howling, as I sought a way of healing my broken heart .
After drinking from three different guys, I had my fill, I
called off the raid to several boos and grunts, but it was
necessary before someone dies from the drinking. I
dismissed the rest of the vampires while I stayed behind
to make sure none of the bodies which fed our thirst
died. I don’t like the brutal and destructive abilities I
possessed as a vampire contrary to what people think.
After checking for their pulse and heart rate, and was
satisfied. I left the club and went home. I arrived to find
Lucy waiting for me in my room. She sat, cross-legged
and wasn’t looking pleased. I just ignored her and started
pulling off my boots, that didn’t go down well with her
and she stood up, kicked my boots aside and demanded
for an explanation. “What is there to explain?” I asked
her. “Why did you tell Richard that I am engaged? , what
do you hope to gain with this blackmail? Why can’t you
just look for someone else? What is it with you and my
guys? “. I was really tired of this nonsense, her pretence
was nauseating, “you know what, just stop with the
questions already. I hate it that you are deceiving the
poor guy, the shiit aint pretty Lucy. He is a nice guy and
he deserves better than you.” I replied her silly questions.
“And you are the better option. You shameless w.hore,
you sleep with every cute guy that catches your fancy,
and you have the nerve to open that shiit hole and say
you are a better option than I am. I am just here to
warn you, stay off Richard, I can’t bear the fact that each
day you come here, you smell of him. Just stay off my
boyfriend. “she said before storming out of my room. I
just smiled within me. I might be a LovePeddler but I did
all that to remain relevant in the scheme of things.
Damien is the destroyer, Lucy is the psychic while I chose
to be the Seducer. I have seduced so many men, I have
lost count. But my insistence on Richard was beyond
petty competition or sympathy. He is our saviour and my
soul mate. I wasn’t gonna allow this liar to use him to
make up for her past mistakes. I was really tired and
decided to try and rest.
I got up the next morning, did some squatting to make
my Buttocks more firm. I don’t want to seduce Richard
though, he has to choose his mate but I still have to look
really attractive since the day of breaking the bond might
be today or tomorrow. I knew he was an arse man, typical
of black men. After making sure I could turn every man’s
neck that sets his eyes on me 360. I left for school and if
Richard knew me, he didn’t show it, though his focus was
on me when it came to questions. I didn’t know what he
was hoping to get from me but he asked me questions
after questions and I answered them all. After the class,
he asked me to stay behind. He sat down on his desk and
just stared at me for what seemed like hours but more
like minutes. I was becoming uncomfortable and asked,
“why are you staring at me.” “We meet at the same place,
that’s what your partner wrote as I lectured. Talk to him
before he loses it. You can go now “he replied rather with
disjointed sentences that didn’t make sense to me. I left
his class thinking then it occurred to me that he meant he
would meet at the clearing and there was no need to wait
outside town or for us to go together, probably because
of Lucy. He has agreed then to break the bond, still I
knew it wasn’t just because of what I told him yesterday,
he must found evidence and I wondered what it was. So,
that’s why he was bombarding me with questions and
questions in class to ascertain my level of smartness,
hmmm, Funny guy.
I got tired of howling and scaring every creature around
and transformed back to human. I walked around Unclad,
swearing and cursing my luck in women. I finally entered
my cabin, fell on my bed and slept off. I woke up by 4am
and was just restless as I didn’t dream this time. I
decided to take some candles for prayers because I just
couldn’t hold the pain in my heart no longer,when I saw
the brush used to trace out the texts in the black book. It
was then I remembered the black book and decided to
open it. I did and saw the vain attempts of Lucy to cover
her tracks. The blood didn’t completely dry even if I had
no idea of what she used in cleaning it in the first place. I
saw some texts from those that weren’t completely wiped
off and decided to write them down. I changed the
location of the book since I didn’t trust Lucy no more. I
kept the note in my jacket and plan to show it to Angel
when we meet later today.
I saw Lucy in school and winked at her to let her know
that I was cool with her, she bought it and smiled back. I
mouthed” I missed you” and she chuckled before
entering her office, I just had to pretend till I got what I
wanted. She thinks she is playing me, and I just have to
make her believe so, the game was on. I passed a
message across to Angel after her class with me but not
before checking if she was capable of decoding it.
After football practice that day, I stayed behind in school,
switched off my phone just in case Lucy might want to
call and as soon as it hit seven, I left school, found my
way outside town without using my car because I wasn’t
sure if I will be followed. I entered the woods, removed
my clothes and transformed. I ran all the way till I got to
the clearing. I saw Angel waiting for me. She was in front
of me, I called out her name in my wolf form, she turned
around, and I smiled but she didn’t, instead she fell down
as she lost consciousness.

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