The Enigma Called Audrey

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I must admit, I was carried away with the kiss but I know
what this might lead to and it won't be right. I gently
pushed her away from me but she clearly didn't like that.
She gave me a glare and went for my lips again, I
became irritated and shove her back this time with a bit
of force. With a scowl on her face she came for me again
but this I showed my displeasure fully by making sure my
eyes glowed,that seem to do the trick she became
scared a little and she slowly turned and got herself a
seat. She sat down and bent her head with tears freely
pouring from her eyes. Did I hurt her or was I too
aggressive? I quickly moved towards her and tried to
bring her up to look at me but she didn't, instead she
turned her face the other way. She was hurt probably
because I pushed her away but I didn't know what she
was up to, maybe I should ask her, "I am sorry but did I
hurt you? " but she didn't reply instead she cried more
profusely. "Come here dear, I might have overreacted and
I am sorry for that but maybe you could just explain why
you... Know..... Kissed me so passionately" I said while
playing with her hair now on my chest.
"Every time I try to get close to someone, I always end up
chasing the person away. I am sorry Richard and I am not
ashamed to say it but I have always wanted to do what I
just did - - - - kiss you." she said in between
tears,always wanted to kiss me, what does that mean. I
mean I do know brothers and sisters do Share a sort of
bond but that doesn't mean they should French kiss each
other. "What do you mean by chasing loved ones away
and not ashamed of kissing me" I asked. She pulled away
from me, looked into my eyes and said, " I have always
loved you Richard, always have, more than I should
sometimes . Dad had this little fling with a beautiful
woman then before he met your mom. You know Dad was
cute and all that and he had this way with words. He was
an Orator, he had a way of encouraging people and he
usually visit our soldiers camp then to motivate them and
build their self esteem and because of this he was seen
as the next leader of our community but I am sure you
know how that ended. In one of such visits, he met a
beautiful healer otherwise known as nurse in this
dispensation. He was attracted to her because of her
commitment to healing the injured fighters. Dad have
always loved committed people and with my mom, he
found the perfect woman. My mom was brilliant and
eloquent too and of course a good relationship started
between them but it didn't last long. My Mom had other
priorities and a relationship with dad didn't top it. Soon
they parted ways amicably but my mom had what she
wanted, she wanted an offspring to take charge after her
and she got that. Dad soon moved on and he found your
mom. Soon they got married and Isabella was soon
pregnant with you but when my mom heard about the
demon thing your parents summoned and housed inside
of them. It was then my mum revealed what she truly was
to me . I was only eight then, she said we came from a
line of special people called Watchers. The Watchers are
a set of special witches who make sure witches remain
plain witches and don't interact with demons or even
summon them but she failed of course and here we are
today with me trying to stop what my mother couldn't. I
know you are wondering how all this is connected to the
kiss earlier on, but Richard, I felt if I could teach you to
tame the destructive Tendencies of your demon and
channel those abilities to destroying evil, then I would
have achieved what my mother couldn't. But that didn't
turn out well, I was unable to meet your parents to tell
them of my plan and when I discovered I couldn't be with
you and train you because of the fact that I was chased
by vampires, I decided to do increase my life span by
doing a very dangerous thing by bonding with you. I got
what I wanted but there was a catch, I should never have
done that while a virgin because once I did that, I sexually
and emotionally tied myself with you and that's why you
had issues with having long lasting relationships. I didn't
help matters by using you to escape my S#xual
molestation from those beasts, whenever they had s*x
with me, all I saw was you and it felt like I was having s*x
with you, it actually felt so real and it was because of the
bond, though it's crazy because you are my brother but it
kept me sane from the constant abuse I got from those
leeches. My point is having a bond with Lucy or Angel
didn't break the bond as I thought earlier, but after
reading the black book today since you hidden it here. I
was able to decipher the text and find the only way, and it
ain't good. "she said." What is it dear, you need to live
your life and be free of me, you know "I urged her." You
will have to break the bond yourself because you didn't
choose to bond with me in the first place, strange as it
may sound but that's the only way. You can only do so by
fulfilling my greatest desire for the last hundred years,
Richard, you will have to have carnal knowledge with me"
Sleep with my own sister!!! Now that's just plain
ridiculous, I can't do that and I won't. I stepped away
from her and said, "I can't do that sis, I can't make love
to you. There must be another way, you must have
another desire greater than this one." She smiled before
saying, "Look Richard, if there was another way, I will tell
you. I was shocked myself when I saw it in the book
earlier today. This is why the watchers are against the use
of dark Magic because one always get to do abominable
things to get off them. I have no greater desire, I have
been consumed by this for more than a century but you
can't blame me, I was only trying to keep myself sane. Do
this Richard and set me free. " I wanted to do this but I
just couldn't, it just didn't make sense, I am just meeting
my sister for the first time and all she says is this, it's not
what I was hoping to hear from her. " I can't, the last time
I slept with someone apart from my mate, the pain alone
I felt was beyond excruciating, I can't do that to Angel,
not her, she doesn't deserve such." I said with a straight
"Oh, you can Richard. I am not against it. She has done
more than enough for you and if it's just this she needs
from you, then you should unselfishly yield to her request.
I have nothing against it and you won't be cheating on
me, she is your sister." I heard Angel said.
All through school today, Lucy had this weird smirk
on her face. I don't why but the smirk seems to go deeper
whenever she sees me. Well, whatever, I care less, I have
Richard to myself now, she can smirk all she likes. After
school, I got to the clearing only to feel a strange aura.
An aura that belongs to only one person - - Audrey. I had
mixed feelings immediately because Richard's truck was
parked outside, meaning she was him already. She said
she was already on her way, but I didn't think she would
find herself here so quickly and to take residence in the
very house where she was tormented for decades.
I recited the spell and found my way in but paused
midway through the passage way. I heard Richard
rejecting an offer, an offer to sleep with Audrey and it
finally clicked. All through Audrey's molestation, she
always smiled and had this look of fulfillment on her face,
I had always thought she enjoyed been gangbanged or
something but I know why, she actually saw herself
sleeping with Richard and that was her saving grace. A
tear fell off my cheek, Richard had always been her
number priority, her number one duty but the way and
manner Richard was rejecting her haven seen the way
and manner she was molested made me a little
disappointed in his judgment. Audrey has this thing in her
head for centuries that she will have a happy life and get
back to her normal self again only if Richard makes actual
love to her and not rough s*x.
She has tied her real self and dignity to Richard and will
never feel clean until Richard frees and give her that
feeling that her virginity wasn't taken forcefully away from
her but that she willingly gave it to someone she loves
deeply - Richard. I wondered how Richard could be so
inconsiderate to someone who all her life has suffered
torment and suffering all because of him. I had to say
something and I did. The look on Richard face was shock
and total bewilderment. He couldn't believe I just said so
and wanted to say something but I cut him off and said, "
Enough Richard, you will make love to her and that's it.
Now I believe I am here today to purge myself of my
other demon" He obviously didn't like how I cut it off and
showed his displeasure with his eyes glowing and
tightened lips but I didn't care. I think he is beginning to
get a little cocky because he is about sleeping with three
hot women.
I was taken off my pondering when Audrey looked at me
and smiled before saying, " Your purging will be quite
different from Lucy's because technically you are already
died, so I will need immense power to wrestle your soul
from hell and bring it back to your body and that channel
of power will be you Richard" she said. He didn't seem to
mind and said OK. So Audrey drew a huge circle and
asked me to lay in the middle,while Richard and her
stood by my side and their hands joined together spread
above my chest. She spoke some words and a powerful
wind blew causing my neck to snap and I slipped into
total darkness.
I joined hands with her and then she spoke some word
which snapped Angel's neck and then she smiled at me
before she started speaking some words, a powerful gush
of wind sprung from the east of our position and moved
towards us with great intensity like it was pissed. The
more words Audrey uttered, the more intense the wind
became. I was trying really hard to hold on to Audrey but
the more I resisted, the weaker I became. A lot of energy
was leaving me but I had to hold on but I knew I wouldn't
last long. My knees became weaker and my head became
lighter and lighter. Soon the wind reduced in its intensity
but I had given my all, and when she finally let go of my
hands, I fell down and slip into unconsciousness.
If only he knew what he truly was, If only he knew why he
was handpicked by the beast within him, if only he knew
that the reason I chose to sleep with him was for his own
good. He was the first person involved in a forked
prophecy ever and forked prophecy are always difficult to
explain but the bearer should never stain the prophecy
but Richard did so by bonding with Lucy and by doing so,
he has created a prophecy within a prophecy and
unfortunately a first bond will never entirely be broken
until a bigger bond is created, one he will create when he
sleeps with me. If he doesn't, Lucy will become his
ultimate nightmare sooner or later because she is now
involved in the prophecy but she is an unstable element,
one that should have nothing to with Prophecy, big, big
mistake by Richard on his part.

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