Chapter 2: Luna's Problem

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Luna got dressed and looked into the mirror hanging on the wall. She was immediately disgusted. She barely knew this Luke guy and he has already seen her naked. Now, he wants her to wear a dress that barely covers her ass and was see through half way down her back.

"Why does he want me wearing this?" Luna thought to herself. "I don't even know him."

Luna stared at her reflection for a moment before heading out of the bedroom. She has long brown hair, which came down to her mid-back. She has icy blue eyes, which, on occasions, change into an ominous grey. Luna was tall, maybe 5 foot 8 and very skinny. She recently just got over an eating disorder, where she weighed no more than 75 lbs for the past 3 years.

Luna shivered as she remembered her past experiences and what had led her to starving herself for three years. She never felt confident about herself, so she gave up eating to try and lose weight. She'd look into the mirror everyday and she'd feel fat, ugly, and worthless. She felt that she wasn't good enough to be who she wanted to be until she was super skinny. It took almost a year until she finally went without eating anything, except for a little meal here and there. She dropped pounds everyday. She would've kept going; however, she was getting sick and weak from the lack of nutrients. Everyone soon caught on to how much weight she had lost. Everyone knew, but nobody cared. According to Luna, people only cared about the girls in magazines and on TV, not some chubby outcast. 

After about two years of off and on starvation, Luna weighed 68 pounds. She was on the brink of death, if she didn't eat, she knew that. However, it was getting to be too difficult for her. She didn't find food appetizing anymore, if anything, it disgusted her. Her counselor realized nothing was working, so he brought food into their sessions everyday. Luna was not allowed to leave until she ate at least one thing. With each day, Luna started to eat more. She became healthier. She gained weight and was released from counseling. She was at 125 pounds rather than 68. She still saw herself as the skinny, and confident, girl she always wanted to be. 

She was able to go back to school, and with that came her new-founded popularity.  Everyone loved her, but they also tried to take advantage of her kindness. Luna shivered and stopped thinking about it because instead of it being one of the best times of her life, it was one of her worst. 

Finally, Luna decided to finish getting ready for the day and went into the bathroom. She looked at herself, again, in the mirror before applying foundation and concealer to the dark circles under her eyes. Then, Luna applied black and silver eye shadow to her eyelid, in attempt to create a smoky eye. Next, she applied liquid eyeliner and shaped out a wing, onto her eyelid as well. Finally, with a little bit of red lipstick and contouring, she was done.

She walked downstairs and searched for the kitchen. Instead, she found the guy, Luke, standing at the bottom of the steps, waiting. He looked at her and winked.

"Ugh," She thought. "What is with him? Who even--- " Luna heard a voice, which interrupted her thinking. She blinked a couple times before realizing that Luke was talking to her. She looked at him with a blank stare, for she didn't hear a single word that he had said.

"I made you breakfast," he said. "Sit down and eat it."

Luna looked down at the plate. It was like a full, five - course meal. There were scrambled eggs, 2 strips of smoked bacon, 2 sausage links, two slices of toast with butter, and a glass of orange juice. This was too much. She couldn't eat all of it, especially from a guy she didn't know. She decided to go with her guy and decline the food.

"I'm not eating that. You made it," Luna declared. "What if it was poisoned? Or drugged? I won't try it, until you have eaten half of everything and live."

She wanted to be safe and she wanted to be smart. She doesn't know who he is, nonetheless what he wants. Besides, there was no way she would have been able to eat all of it, let alone half of it. So, she needed Luke to eat some of it. That way she doesn't feel bad about wasting most of it while she is still recovering. Luke ate half of everything though, maybe even more.
Luna gave it a little while, but she finally ate, like she said she would. She didn't eat everything, however, but she ate just enough to ease the hunger pains and no more.

Luke noticed that Luna had hardly eaten anything, especially compared to what he ate, and he chuckled. He knew everything about Luna, her past, her hobbies, her friends, and her family. However, Luna doesn't know that Luke knows all of this, which only made him chuckle more. 

"What a naive, little girl," Luke thinks to himself, as he gets up and cleans off the table. 

*** I feel like this one is long D: and pointless but idk the next chapter will be out in two days ***

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