My Dark Flower Ch 1

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(Authors note: HEY!!! I am back! This chapter is going to be confusing, but all will be revealed in the next chapter, which may come out this weekend. Who knows, I might be too busy to write this weekend, but I will do my best. So enjoy and listen to the music I posted. This chapter is long so just keep replaying the song. COMMENT AND VOTE!!! THNX!!!!!!!!!!)

Today was the same as any other day.

Oh, let me rephrase that.

Tonight was the same as any other night.

The clouds rolled in and darkness took over. To me, night was day. Mostly because I was awake during the night. I guess you could call me nocturnal. I dont know why I am so used to the night. I guess I just grew up that way. Always in the dark; learning my way around places. The one thing I learned that I remember the most is that not everything comes out during the day. There are also somethings that come out at night. And someones.

I guess you could call them creatures or monsters. Maybe even lunatics. Former prisoners come out at night, searching for their next victim. Drunkards would come out constantly roaming the streets till they collapsed or went home. But my favorite someones who came out at night hid in the shadows of the trees and buildings. Lurking around and observing every move I made. I could sense when they were near. Its just that feeling that you have when you know someone is following you. But when you turn around, no ones there.

You may think they are ghosts, but you are wrong. They are so much more dangerous. They are ghost like, but are just as solid as you and I. Their skin is smoother then silk, but nothing can break them except themselves. Their skin is as white as snow. They can be very sly, gliding through the night. They are the most beautiful creatures in this world. But they can be so cold. So vicious, and when they get mad you cannot stop their rage.

But this is my opinion and mine alone. No one else sees these creatures, but me. And if you do, in seconds you will die. Their face may attract you, but when you see their smile you will be scared. They can bring you towards them and push you away all at the same time. They have some kind of force over anyone that sees them. They are so beautiful with such an ugly heart. We are their prey, but we hunt them all the time.

One thing I do not know, is how they feel. If they feel at all. You need to be able to see through their eyes to understand, and I have done so myself. You must watch them and everything they do. You must know every choice they make. For example, a choice they made twelve years ago. The hardest choice they had ever made. But they made that choice, and suffered all the consequences. Gladly suffering; knowing they would go through it all. Especially me. Though I was not thinking it at the time. I knew what would happen if they made that decision. I knew they would take me in. A human child, not having a care in the world. But they woke me up. They showed me what its really like to live among the nonliving. And if it wasnt for that choice; I would'nt be alive today.

Xenos's POV

I walked through a dark alley, not knowing where I was going when I bumped into a woman.

"Hello young man. How would you like to come in my apartment and play around for a little while?" She asked. She was probably trying to seduce me. We werent seducible, not our kind. Especially not to humans. They were ugly in our eyes.

"No. I really rather not. Im busy." I grumbled, trying to keep my temper down low. I didnt want to get in trouble with the others. I was on a thin line right now, and I didnt plan on having it break.

"Are you sure," she started to pull her shirt down to expose her shoulder. For a second I almost went blank. She had a scar on her shoulder right under her neck, probably from another man who beat her. I started to salivate. I hadnt had food in days, and I was hungry. I started leaning toward her.

"Yes," she whispered, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to her. I got closer and closer to her neck, knowing what I would do next. She started unbuttoning my shirt, but I ignored it leaning farther and farther toward her flesh.

BING! BING! BING! The clock tower rang and for a moment time stopped. They were watching me. I couldnt risk it. I quickly stumbled back from the woman. She stared at me in shock. I must have looked terrified for her to stare at me like that.

"Whats wrong?" She came closer to me, "Are you ok?" She tryed to grab my arm but I was too fast and I jerked away.

"Stay away from me!" I hissed, showing my fangs. I started running away as fast as I could, and not looking back. I had to get to the only safe place there is; the temple.

I couldnt take the chance. Not today. Not any other day.

Albina's POV

Again, I was look out tonight.

I am always look out.

Its because I have such sharp eyes. If I said that in front of them, they would all laugh histerically and say "We all have sharp eyes clumsy!"

"I am not clumsy!" I yelled out into the night. I slapped my hand over my mouth. Maybe I am clumsy. I need to keep quiet.

I sat on the edge of the clock tower scanning the neighborhood.

"Well I don't see any blood suckers where they are not supposed to be." I mumbled to myself. Then something off into the distance caught my eye.

It was him.

He shouldnt be over there. He is going to get in trouble if he doesnt get to the temple soon. I quickly jumped up and walked over to the tower's bell.

"Well, here goes!" I yelled in a nonenthusiastic tone.

BING! BING! BING! The bell rang loudly. I ran back over to the edge of the tower. I spotted him running from the woman he was with.

"My jobs done here." I proudly wiped my hands.

Xenos's POV

I kept running. Not knowing if I was going in the right direction.

Where was that damn temple anyways!?

All of a sudden I slammed into something as hard as rock. I stepped back to see who it was.

"Oh, hey Baldy! What's up?" I asked nonchalantly as possible. If I am lucky he wont suspect what I'm doing.

"The name is Baldasarre," he snarled. "What are you doing out this late anyways?" I was unlucky. I could see the amusement in his face. He couldn't wait to watch me squirm.

"Uh, well..."

"He was with me." A voice broke my sentence, and I turned around to see who it was.

There was a girl standing a few feet behind me carrying bottles full of dark liquids and some sort of meat.

It was Violet.

Note: My name is Violet Buio, and I am still very alive.

[Ok well that was good! The person speaking at the top was Violet, but I didnt want to spoil who was speaking so I put it down here! YAY! All these names have a meaning, so here are the meanings:

Buio- Italian for darkness, dark, or somber.

Xenos- Greek for stranger(his name is the only greek one so far and you will learn why later in the story.)

Albina- Italian for white-skinned(the reason for her name meaning is pretty easy to understand)

Baldasarre- Italian for brave one(he is a guard for the temple)

ok well thats it for now, and by now Im sure you can guess what kind of creatures they are. Violet is not one of them. (Clue: check the few last sentences on the 5th paragraph before Xenos's POV, thats where it says what she is, and it also tells you how many years after "The incident" it is right now. So if this is all still confusing, again I say it will all be revealed in the next chapter. BYES! PLZ VOTE AND COMMENT!!! :)]

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