The little lord

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The leave me in that room for the whole night without disruption though I don't sleep I just sit and pick at pieces of my hair, pulling out the loose hairs or I pace around thinking about what'll happen to me. That's what I do over and over and over until someone lightly taps at my door. I step as far back as I can so my back is against the wall.

"Come in?" I find it odd they wait for me to allow them permission but anything other than immediate execution or imprisonment.

"Hello Lady Snow." The imp, Tyrion Lannister walks in and closes the door. "I'm sorry for the circumstances that bring us together. Congratulations on your wedding by the way I'm so terribly sorry about..."

"Why are you being nice to me? Your family wants me dead, you killed my father, you're at war with my brother and my sister is here against her will not to mention the fact you lost my youngest sister..."

"I think you'll find I, personally, am not responsible for any of those things. If it weren't for me my dear girl your head would be on a spike and Joffrey would have your hair as a trophy." I stroke my hair a little thinking of the horrific sight and I notice my necklace is gone. The one Robb and Catelyn had given to me as a wedding present. "Yes Cersei had that confiscated, I do fear she's probably destroyed it."

"I'm sorry my Lord."

"As you were my lady." He gestures to a seat beside my tea table. "Would you mind?"

"No." He hoists himself into the chair and gestures for me to take the other.

"I've brought you a change of clothes..."

"A pretty dress?"

"Yes a pretty dress, it's my father's wish that you are to marry Ser Loras and he wants you be a proper lady like your sister Sansa."

"Lord Tyrion how can I possibly marry Ser Loras I'm already married."

"Yes well I didn't want to tell you this way but..."


"Renly Baratheon is dead. Killed by a member of his own kings guard as I hear it and I'm afraid Ser Alaric..."

"No...please no don't say what I think you're about to say to me."

"I truly am sorry my lady. Ser Alaric didn't make it through the courtyard."

"Who?" He paused and looks at me with a somewhat concerned expression.

"Ser Meryn." He pours himself a glass of wine and drinks deeply from it like he's suffering the worst thirst he's ever endured. "Ser Loras and the rest of the Tyrells returned to the Kings banners shortly after Renly's death. I hate to sound in insensitive but are you still...innocent?"

"Yes. I was unfortunately kidnapped hours prior to my wedding night." He looks a little confused but continues regardless.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Look just keep your head down, listen to what they tell you and bide your time. Your brother still has my mine and it's in the Lannisters best interests to get him back. The plan is to exchange him for you and Sansa."

"What about her marriage to Joffrey?"

"Null and void. The King is now to wed Loras' sister Margaery by the end of the year and I am unfortunately to marry Sansa." I wrinkle my face at the thought of my sister being Tyrion Lannisters wife. He pours himself another glass and pours a second for me. "You should have a drink it'll make you feel better. That's coming from experience." I don't reply I just take a sip of the sweet syrup I'd probably neglected up to this point. "You shouldn't worry my dear, Loras will take good care of you and as long as I live no one will harm you or your sister."

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