twenty six

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yes. I love you all. you're welcome.
go read show room.

Jimin walked into the council room, déjà vu creeping up on his like an old, unwelcome friend. Taehyung and Namjoon flittered off to their respective places once they had come through the door, leaving Jimin alone in the middle of the room with only a cheap foldable chair for company. He sat in it, and this time he was able to lean all the way back in it. Jimin had rushed straight out the door when Namjoon had come to get him, forgetting that he'd had on a hoodie Seokjin had enchanted for him. It could get Seokjin in trouble, but it was too late now.

       "Park Jimin, nice to see you again," came the voice of the old bearded matchmaker. He was sat in his tall mahogany throne, his beard cascading from his chin down into his lap and resting their like an old cat. The matchmaker with the long nose and glasses was sitting beside him, holding Yoongi's pajama pants. Jimin glared at her. "So, as you know we've only taken a day to deliberate. This is not without reason.–"

       "If you say anything about me putting our world in danger I'm going to have to stop you right there." Jimin said. The bearded matchmaker looked extremely caught off guard, and Seokjin's hiss of 'Park Jimin' could be heard over the sudden dead silence of the council room. "S-sorry, I don't know where that came from. Sorry."

       The matchmaker took a deep breath. "Anyway. We decided that after your hearing on Friday that everything you did, you did without knowing what danger you put us in." Jimin sucked in a giant breath. This was it. They were going to let him go home. "But, if they'd have figured you out, we would have been done for. I'm going to need you to turn around. Take off your hoodie."


       "Turn around, take off your hoodie. I'm taking your wings. Be glad I'm not forcing you to tell me who gave you that lovely enchanted garment." Jimin turned around and slipped off his hoodie, trying to keep his hopes high. They were going to take his wings either way. He could still go home. Jimin hugged the hoodie to his chest as he felt his wings fan our around him. The soft feathers tickled his bare arms and he closed his eyes. Either way, this would be the last time he felt the heavy weight of feathers on his back. The last time he would have the chance to fly.

       "This is what you want, Jimin. You'll be okay." Jimin whispered to himself, squeezing his eyes shut as a dull ache began in his shoulder blades. The pain was reversed from when his wings came back, the dull burn slowly morphing into a stabbing pain that had Jimin reaching out for the plastic chair and gripping it until his knuckles turned white. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream until his lungs bled but he wouldn't, he wouldn't show weakness in front of the Council. Not this time.

Jimin bit on his lips as the pain increased, and it took everything he had in him not to fall to the floor. His legs shook violently, but as he decided to admit defeat the pain subsided and Jimin felt like he could breathe again. Jimin slowly let go of the chair and put his hoodie back on, wiping under his eyes before he turned back to the Council. The long nosed woman looked sickly proud of herself when she saw how deflated and pale Jimin looked.

       "Jimin, not only did you fail your mission, you put the entirety of our race at risk. I'm sorry to say this," Jimin held his breath. Here it comes. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to dismiss you as a matchmaker. Pack your bags, you're going to the mortal world. "But I can't have you in the mortal world, putting us all in danger. You're going to have to live here, as Seokjin's assistant. You can thank your friend for convincing me to let you keep your room, so you won't have to move in with your aunt."

       Jimin stared at the councilmen, looking each one of them in the eye individually. He felt his heart drop to his toes and he nodded. Jimin felt a lump forming in his throat and he just kept nodding, unsure what to do with himself. He heard the people in the benches getting up and leaving, and a piece of fabric hit him in the face. The polar bear pajama pants fluttered to the ground and Jimin watched them fall blankly.

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