twenty nine

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okay, so i mention a desk in this chapter and its rly big and i didn't do a good job of describing it so here's a shitty drawing of it instead !

Jimin rolled over in bed, checking the clock one more time before pulling back the covers, the cold night air penetrating through his jeans. He was already dressed, he'd even worn his shoes to bed. Jimin reached under his mattress and pulled out the Great Book, looking down at it for a moment and running his hands over the dark leather before tucking it inside his jacket as best he could.

       Jimin had considered giving back the day Seokjin asked him to, but halfway to the council room Jimin had decided it could wait. He wanted to use it just a few more times.

       He was supposed to leave later that morning for his "mission" and figured he should return the book before leaving for good. Jimin contemplated taking it with him, just to be a shit head, then remembered that it was the only way he could talk to any of his family members once he was back in the mortal world.

       The only problem with having the book was the fact that technically, he wasn't allowed to have it out of the council room, but no one had to know. So as the clock struck three am, Jimin shoved a pouch of fairy dust in his pocket and walked out of his room.

The hallways were dark and cold and Jimin couldn't see five feet in front of him, making it hard for him to navigate the twisting and turning corridors. Jimin stuck one hand out in front of him and felt up the wall, hoping that it could give him some sort of direction. If he still had his wings he'd use their magic to light the way, but with love came misery, apparently.

       "Ow, shit," Jimin pulled back from the wall and kept walking, dabbing his fingers under his nose to make sure he wasn't bleeding. Jimin shifted the book around in his grip and ended up dropping it to the ground. "Gosh, darnit, what the heck–"

       The book opened on its own accord and bright light shone from the pages, illuminating the entire hallway. Jimin almost face palmed at the realization. Magic book. Duh. Jimin picked it up and pointed it towards the ground so he could see where he was going. After that it was pretty smooth sailing, other than Jimin getting lost a few times and having to backtrack.

       The council room doors hung ominously over him, casting shadows over Jimin's face. He'd never been inside by himself, he'd never been inside at all. Jimin jiggled the handle a little and huffed when it didn't open, full ready to throw his body at it. As he stepped back, his tiny frame versus the big oak door, the door opened by itself and Jimin ran straight through the opening, full force with his shoulder down.

       "Shit, shit, shit, shit," Jimin muttered as he skidded to a halt, very nearly tumbling over into a pile of papers. Once he was safely balanced and away from the tall pile of precariously stacked papers, Jimin allowed himself to take a look around. Rows upon rows of shelving covered each wall, and Jimin wondered fleetingly if there were more books in the council room than there were in the actual library.

Then Jimin realized that the papers, and the "books" lining the walls weren't books at all. They were folders, each holding files of a certain person or couple. Jimin walked over to the shelf nearest to him and pulled out one of the pink folders and opened it up. Numerous papers fell out and Jimin scrambled to the ground to pick them up and put them back in order.

Listed down the page were the usual criteria, name, birthday, hair and eye color, likes, dislikes, and if the person was in love or not. Jimin looked through a few of the files, trying to pronounce the weird names and laughing to himself when he couldn't. Jimin figured he'd could stay in there all night, reading through people's files at his leisure, wishing them luck when the love turned out to be one sided.

He shoved the files back on the shelf and got up off the floor, holding the Great Book in his arms. Jimin looked around, searching for a golden pedestal or somewhere that looked fancy enough to set the book. Unfortunately there were no pedestals sealed off with velvet ropes for Jimin to set the book on, so he took to looking behind the big desk in the back of the room.

       Jimin had to jump to get in the chair, just barely making it with the book weighing him down. He stood on the seat and reached up for the desk, and for the first time in his life Jimin felt like a pixie. He was too short to sit in the chair and reach the desk, and even on his toes he could barely hook onto the dark oak. Jimin pulled himself up onto the desk and set down the book, hoping that no one would notice that it was in a weird place.

He flipped through the pages of the book softly, debating whether or not to call Yoongi again, just one more time, and before he knew it Jimin was pulling the pouch of fairy dust out of his pocket and sprinkling it over the pages. Jimin stepped back as the pages flipped, the wind sending some of the papers on the desk flying onto the floor.

Jimin sat on the desk and peered into the book, only to see an empty couch and empty food wrappers sitting on the floor next to it. Jimin's eyebrows pulled together and he sighed. Apparently it only showed one area of the house, and if the person wasn't there, tough luck. Jimin sighed and sat back on his heels. He'd thought he'd get in one last goodbye before having to leave, as a way to reassure himself that this was actually happening, but apparently not.

As Jimin went to shut the book, a sleepy looking Hoseok walked into frame, scratching his head. He looked around the room and then pulled the cushions off the couch like he was searching for something. "Yoongi, is your phone ringing?"

Yoongi then, looking just as tired, if not more so, walked out of his room into the frame and shook his head. "Don't think so. What is that ringing? Did you set something on fire?"

"Oh, shit," Jimin said quietly, attempting to turn off the call part of the book. Hoseok and Yoongi started bickering back and forth, why would I catch something on fire, and I don't know, it's happened before, while Jimin struggled to turn off the two way receiver.

"Maybe the person next door caught something on fire." Hoseok suggested, he walked to the front door and slipped on his house shoes. "I'll go check on them."

"No need, we live at the end of a hallway and they haven't rented out Jimin's apartment yet, it's definitely coming from in here. Did you have your alarm clock set? Jesus, that's annoying." Yoongi pulled the cushion off the chair, throwing it on the ground to join those from the couch, but there was no magic ringing device to be seen.

Jimin had no choice but to just hang up, so he frowned, whispered a, "see you later, Yoongi," and shut the book.

After shimmying his way off the desk and back onto the floor, Jimin snuck out of the council room and tried to find his way back to his own room without a light. Once he semi-safely made it back to his room, Jimin crawled into his bed and stayed awake, waiting for Seokjin to come get him so he could go home.

[ coughs ] one chapter left

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