Captured Again

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"Harmony Harmony, we need to call Luna for help!" a voice said as I was shaken. I woke with a start, ready to hit the person who was shaking me, but found it was only Destiny.

"Alright, but I don't even know where we are!" I replied, opening the top face of my watch to get to the telecommunication device. "Luna come in! Destiny and I are trapped somewhere and can't get out." I said into the second face, only to find that there was no connection. Destiny looked around, holding a torch up. It looked like we were in some prison underground with rust iron bars. I summoned my bow and quiver by pulling my bracelets up. I put the quiver on and began shooting the guards who were outside the door. Destiny pulled out her pen and shot a few darts at them as well. 

"You got like two hammers?" Destiny asked, holding out an expecting hand. I nodded, looking for my bag, which they'd thrown into the cell with us, and dug through until I found two hammers and handed them to Destiny. She put the heads against each other, between the bars, and pulled out, creating a hole. She handed the hammers back and I put them back to their respective pocket in my bag. I put my bag over my shoulder and stepped out the hole after Destiny. She was holding a torch, which lit up her familiar face. 

"It appears that we are in a cave right now. Really deep underground," I commented as we began to walk up a tunnel. "An intricate cave system too."

"Yes, I guess that's why you couldn't get a hold of Luna. I guess we'll have to figure something out." Destiny replied, sighing as she stopped at a fork. A voice came from down the right tunnel and Destiny and I glanced at each other, racing back to the cell. 

"Oh, look at that. The cell's busted. I guess we'll have to get these prisoners into a stronger cell," a nasty voice came from just outside the hole. Destiny and I were lying on the cold rock, acting like we were asleep.

"Alright, I'll bring them. Which cell?" another voice asked, probably Samuel, Dianna's husband. Luna was disgusted by this, Samuel being her cousin in law basically. 

"The celestial bronze one, enforced with hard steel," Dianna replied, shifting around it sounded like. I glanced quickly at Destiny, who was across from me, as I felt hands come around my wrists. 

"Up and out. NOW!" Samuel snarled, shoving Destiny and I forward. I whipped around, shooting him once in the shoulder, and grabbed my bag. Then Destiny and I were off, racing through unknown tunnels. Eventually we gave up, dropping to the ground in exhaustion. Destiny fell sideways, passing out and soon I felt hands gripping my wrists. 


"Where are we?" Destiny questioned, looking up. I was going through my bag when I glanced back to see that Destiny had woken.

"We're in this stupid celestial bronze cell now, remember?" I asked, turning back to looking for a rope and something to anchor it. 

"No, but that doesn't ma-" Destiny replied, getting cut off from a clatter of stones, falling from the hole above us. "There's a hole above us? That could be our way out!" Destiny excitedly got up and began measuring the hold and how deep it was.

"Yes, I know that idiot. Honestly I'm not stupid. Now help me find this rope when you finish measuring the hole," I replied, clearly annoyed. I truly didn't care if Dest could hear how annoyed I was, but then a thought hit me. "Destiny keep looking. I'm going to try to communicate with Luna." 

"Alright, It's about 2,640 feet deep by the way." Destiny replied, coming over to my bag and beginning to dig through it. I nodded a thanks and opened my watch to the second face, calling Luna.

"Yes? Where are you and Destiny right now? You should be in Songbird City by now, but you sound like you've barely made it past the savanna!" Luna exclaimed once she picked up.

"Yea... About that. Destiny and I were captured by Black Rain. Dianna used a voice serum and ambushed us in the middle of the night. Destiny and I tried to fight back, but they were too strong," I replied. 'Doesn't Destiny have some of that tracking liquid in her blood stream?" 

"Yes, I'll get Lib to come with me and we'll come and rescue you two. Try not to die. I don't want to be planning your funeral. Actually I don't want to have to plan both of yours!" Luna replied, ending the call. I look at Destiny, who was still digging around.

"Ok looks like you don't have a rope Harmony!" Destiny grumbled, glaring at me. 

"Well too bad cause I didn't think I'd need a rope on my, what 100th time to Songbird City!" I retorted, summoning my bow and quiver again and going over my arrows. "We'll be stuck in here until Luna and Liberty come and help us out, so deal with it," I replied, sighing as I sat against the wall of the cell. 

"Yes, well I don't know how you chose not to bring a rope, but thanks for getting us stuck here!" Destiny spat back, turning away from me. I grunted, but found myself aiming my bow at the wall of the prison cell. Destiny turned away and that was that. 

"Harmony, Liberty and I are on our way. Lib has her tracker on, so be there in about 2 days," Luna's voice said through my watch. 

"Thanks Luna. Get us out of here as soon as you can!" Destiny shouted back, glaring at me. 

"Yea, hurry. We were transported to a stronger cell, but there's a hole that can be climbed up with a rope. I didn't bring one since I never need one for a journey to Songbird City," I replied and Luna hut her communication off after. 

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