Chapter 8

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"EW MALIK!," I yell at him. He laughs and continues to play the Xbox. I watch as people are dying on call of duty. "This is so gross," I say. "But  I want to play," I snatch the remote from his hand and try to play.

"Press this one," he points to a button.

"Which one!," I hear gun shots fro mthe game and him telling me what to do so I quit and hand him the controller. He chuckles and pulls me into his chest, he wraps his arm around me and plays the game.

"RING RING!," His phone starts ringing, and looks at the caller ID and slips it into his pocket.

"Babe!," I yell at him.

"Damn what?,"

"Answer it that's rude as hell," I grab his phone out of his pocket. He jumps up as I answer the phone, I walk around the couch.

"Malik come by," a female voice says.

"The fuck?," I ask her and looking at Malik.

"Who the hell is this?," she asks.

"His girlfriend who the hell is this!," I raise my voice.

"Babe she tripping," he says walking to me.

"Malik is that you!," she yells.

"No bitch this is his girlfriend! Answer my damn question!,"

"His girlfriend so you cant be his hoe!,"

"Hoe got me fucked up!," Malik snatches the phone.

"Who the fuck is that!," I yell at him. He tries to calm the other girl down, I stomp upstairs and grab my stuff.

"Babe chill," he says walking to me.

"Malik who the fuck was that? Don't lie to me!," I say standing infront of him.

"Okay when we weren't speaking she was the one that gave me some and she took it as-," My jaw is dropped, I walk away from him.

"Malik let me ask you this? What am I doing wrong that keeps ups going at it? What am I not doing right! Im giving everything I got and you just cant have enough can you! Your a fucking dog!," I start crying. This is really our breaking point. Our 4 years and 6 months and 14 days is over.

"Riley your doing nothing wrong see its all me," I walk outside and start walking home. Its starts to rain and getting heavy, I ignore Malik calling my name. Half way home I see headlights driving slowly to me, I keep walking.

"Riley?," I hear a familiar voice. I look at the car and Isaiah is in the drivers side. I turn my head and keep walking. "RIley your not still mad are you? Look-,"

"Leave Isaiah," I look ahead and Im almost home.

"Riley stop being so stubborn," I stop and look at him shocked. "Yes stubborn get in the damn car," he hops out and takes off his jeacket and drapes it over me. He helps me into the car and he sits there in the drivers side.

"Thanks for the ride my house is right there-," He grabs my face and smashes his lips onto mine.

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