Chapter 1

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Nicole went to Mount Baker junior high and she was in grade nine. She had Mr. Sims as her homeroom teacher, and she had all her friends in her class. Her best friend, Cassie was also in her class and together they had more fun than you could ever imagine. Laugh attacks in the halls, gawking at boys, and overall, just being girls. Nicole also had lots of guy friends. For example, there was Jase, tall blonde, and freckles, but a sick mind, and a wild personality. There was also Jordan, medium height, auburn hair, and big brown eyes that looked as if you stared to long, you might melt into them. There  is really no need to list everyone else, because they are the only ones who really matter here. Now, lets get onto the story, how Nicole overcame unjustice, girl drama, fake friends, and misunderstanding parents.

  It was a brisk September morning when Nicole woke up for school. She lazily peeled the covers off herself and strolled out of bed and into her bathroom. As she splashed water on her face, she looked in the mirror and saw what she saw everyday, a blonde girl who had little acne bumps all over her face, and someone who was huskier than all her friends. Basic girl thoughts. Sure Nicole had been called pretty, beautiful, etc. But for some reason, she never really believed it herself. Maybe that's cause some people said and thought other wise. Everyone has an enemy or a person who they want to absolutely slaughter. Well Nicole's was a girl named Carrie Johanssen..

  The whole rivalry between them started when Nicole was dating a guy named Emmett. But then, Carrie pressured Emmett into breaking up with Nicole just so she could have the guy she wanted. Bitch. When Nicole finally figured out what happened, you would guess that she was mad and you would be right. Everything went down hill from there. Fights and arguements broke out over Instagram and And man did things get heated. Nasty comments about eachother went all over people photos. Nicole even got threats that some of Carrie's friends where going to come to Mount Baker and beat the crap out of her after school. Dont get me wrong, people stood up for Nicole (her friends) but that didn't make any difference. So naturally she decided to go to the principal. Nicole and four of her friends went into the office and talked to the principal and told him everything that was going on. Now you would think that because there was threats being tossed around, that there would be this whole ongoing thing with Sarah and Nicole. But instead, the principal did nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Sure it was the end of grade eight, and summer was coming, so it didn't really matter now. But when grade nine started up again, so did the drama.

  About the third week into school, Nicole got the bright idea to comment on one of Carrie's photos. (Not the best way to start off the year but ya know). Nicole thought that with all the drama between her and Carrie, that Carrie would just comment and leave it alone. Wrong.

  Nicole finished up in the bathroom, and headed for her dresser. She picked out black leggings, white tank top, grey cardigan, black combat boots, and a white scarf with skulls on it. Edgy, but chic. Classic Nicole. She did her makeup, then went upstairs for breakfast. Everyone was gone by now, so she had the house to herself before she had to catch the bus at eight fifteen. When she was done eating, she grabbed her back pack and her phone and headed for the bus, where she would meet her best friend Cassie. 

  When Cassie and Nicole settled into first block, Nicole heard her name over the loud speakers telling her to come down to the office. 

"ooooooohhhhh!!!!" went everyone in unison. Cassie looked at Nicole as she was leaving, and Nicole shrugged not knowing why she was getting called down. 

  "Just this way Mrs. Worsfold." said the principal, motioning for her to come into his office.

  Crap. Nicole knew what was happening when she saw Carrie sitting in one of the chairs in front of the principals desk. This was gonna be all about that stupid comment that she made on her photo.

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