Hemmings' family

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You sighed as your math teacher droned on. It was a rainy Friday afternoon. Perfect.

Eventually the bell rang and you rushed out to your locker. It was finally the end of the day! You packed your backpack and headed out front to wait for your mom. Once she pulled up, you hopped in the car.

"Hey sweetie, are you free tonight?" Your mom asked.

"Yeah I'm free. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Liz asked if you could watch the boys. She said she won't be home from her business trip until Sunday morning, and you know I'm going away this weekend. Dad has his concert with his friends. So, you'd be all alone. But she promised she'd pay quite a bit," your mom said.

"Well, the boys are so sweet and I can just stay in the guest bedroom," you stated. "I'll do it. What time does Liz want me over?"

"She said about six tonight because she has to get to the airport by seven for her flight at 8:30."

You loved the Hemmings' boys. Luke was 9, Jack was 11, and Ben was 14. They were always so sweet and enjoyed having you around!


You walked up the steps to their house, and saw Luke waving to you from the window. He opened the door and ran to hug you.

"Hey buddy! How have you been?" You asked, messing up his hair.

"Hey! I had it all nice," Luke whined. You laughed and walked inside with him.

"Mommy, Y/N is here!" Luke called.

You rolled in your suitcase to the living room where the other boys were.

"Hey boys!"

"Hi Y/N!" They ran to give you a hug.

Liz came in the living room looking flustered. She was mumbling something about being late for her flight, and missing this business opportunity.

"Okay boys, my ride is here but be good for Y/N this weekend okay? I love you all," she said, kissing all their cheeks. She gave you a quick reminder about where the emergency numbers were left, and she told you bedtimes and important things.

Once she was gone, you gave the boys dinner of macaroni and cheese. While Luke and Jack practically inhaled their food, Ben picked at his.

"How is it guys?" You asked while you ate yours.

"Good!" Said Jack and Luke.

Ben on the other hand, was checking his phone underneath the table. He took a few mouthfuls of his dinner before standing up.

"I'm going out, I'll be back later," he announced.

You looked at him confused, "I don't remember Mom telling me about this."

"Well I didn't tell her, but she would've let me go anyways," he said.

"No she wouldn't have!" Luke cried. "She hates when you go out on dates."

Ben slapped Luke upside his head. Luke hit in back on the arm in response.

"Boys, stop. Look Ben, I don't know how Mom would feel about it, but if you're home before ten, I'll let you go out. Deal?"

He nodded eagerly, "Thank you so much Y/N!"

He gave you a quick hug and was out the door.


Once dinner was over, you put on a movie for the younger boys. They both fell asleep after the movie was over, so you let them stay on the couch.

Ben walked into the living room with a girl holding his hand.

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