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School. AKA the definition of hell.

Basically everything is really only sorta how it is in the movies. Yes, you have the populars. But there's no "nerds,geeks,goths,or hippies" or any shit like that.

Not all of your populars are on the cheer team, or the football team. Populars aren't sluts,players, or bitches. These populars have been bffs since elementary school. These populars aren't fake barbies, they're opposite of that. They don't believe in one night stands and they most definitely haven't lost their virginitys yet.

They're funny,sarcastic,smart,brave,tomboyish,jealous,beautiful,best friends, and down to earth people. This group consists of 11 guys and 9 girls. Mostly 3 girls and 7 guys.

You have the brunette, blonde and dirty blonde.

The brunette is weird, funny, sweet, smart, brave, bold, athletic, sarcastic and gorgeous. She has blue eyes, with hints of light grey and green, and is 5'11. Her hair falls down to her waist and has a soft blonde ombré. She has a perfect tan thanks to living in AZ for so long. She plays soccer, and is the fastest runner in her whole entire school. She's outgoing and super smart. Her voice is the sound of an angel especially when she sings. Something that only the blonde and dirty blonde know is she's an amazing dancer. Whoops, I forgot to mention her name is Maddy.

The blonde is smart, funny, weird,social,outgoing,honest,and beautiful. Her name is Lauren. She has know every move in gymnastics since 1st grade, and is head cheerleader. Her athletic sport is volleyball, and is also a fast runner. She has a boyfriend, and has also been besties with everyone since kindergarten. Her looks consist of elbow length blonde hair, hazel eyes, tan skin, and is 5'6. She's one of the shortest in the group. Laur does anything for her friends and stands by your side. She hates cats, and is addicted to snapchat.

The dirty blonde is absolutely stunning, dirtyminded *cue evil laugh*, sarcastic, a social butterfly, brave, jealous, funny, and loyal. And her name is Alexa. She has booty length dirty blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, with hints of gold. Lex has flawless tan skin, and is 5'9. She's on the cheer team, but also loves to dance. She has a bf. She is that shoulder to cry on, and one to make you laugh. If you need a Netflix marathon call her and she'll be there in a heartbeat. You mess with her friends? Prepare for hell.

Long story short these girls are alike, yet so different. Follow the group through drama, lies, growing up, laughs, and boys.

But hey, that's what high school is, isn't it?

thank youuuu for reading that, it's short but I had to hurry ;) Honestly this is a very true story, to the fact Alexa and Lauren are watching over my shoulder me typing this. ;D. Please give me tips and a review of how this chapter went, and yeesh.
~Maddy xx

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