Ch. 6: Luncheon

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A/N: Sorry this is very very whoops lmao

Also, ik that I mentioned Phil is taller than Dan but for some reason, I still imagine them as the way they look in 2014-15??? What age do you see them as?

Dan had a slight spring in his steps as he made his way to Lou's. Of course, you could hardly blame him; he was on his way to lunch with Phil Lester. It would be a lie for him to deny the fact that he had spent roughly half an hour in front of a mirror, trying to prefect his appearance. He straightened his hair again and changed his ring t-shirt for a slightly less casual one; it was a plain white V-neck which he had carefully paired with a black jacket, even though it wasn't that cold.

He was practically tremoring with anticipation by the time he made it to the café. Inhaling deeply, Dan pushed the door open, happily breathing in the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread and tea.

The door swung closed behind him as he walked into the room, looking around for any indication of Phil; who he finally spotted at a back table.

"Hey." The brunet smiled as he approached his new friend.

Phil looked up from his phone, a grin splitting his face as his eyes met Dan's brown ones. "Hi!"

"You picked a nice table," Dan commented as he sat down in the booth across from Phil, glancing out the window onto the old cobblestone streets.

"Thanks, I guess." Phil chuckled glancing out the window.

The conversation trailed off rather awkwardly, so Dan was grateful when Louise came over to get their orders.

"Hey, Dan! What can I get for you two today?" Louise queried, bouncing cheerfully on the balls of her feet.

"I'll have a coke and chicken sandwich with fries," Dan ordered his usual favorite off the menu.

"And I'll take a hamburger with fries and Snapple." Phil repeated off the menu, giving Louise a small smile.

Louise scribbled down the order, tearing off the sheet of paper.

The two boys had expected her to go and get their food, so they were slightly startled when she cheekily asked, "So are you guys dating?"

"Louise!" Dan scolded, nearly choking. Phil's face was beet-red.

"What? You guys look so cute together!" She squealed, clapping her hands together enthusiastically.

Dan groaned, hiding his face in his hands. He truly did love Louise, but she had always had an annoyingly strong interest in his love life.

Louise burst into a fit of giggles as she watched her friend practically wither up in embarrassment. "Relax dear, I'm only joking!"

Dan muttered something incoherent into his hands.

The blonde-haired girl just laughed before returning to the kitchen.

"So..." Phil made a feeble attempt to start a conversation, his skin tone returning to a more natural shade of pink. "You look nice."

The complement only caused Dan to blush harder as he muttered a quiet thanks, returning the compliment.

Luckily, the embarrassing moment soon passed and conversation began to come naturally.

"So how long have you been painting?" Dan inquired, taking a bite of his sandwich; which had only just arrived.

"Oh gosh," Phil muttered, taking a sip from his drink. "Since I was a teenager, if not younger. Of course, back then I wasn't nearly as experienced. What about you? When did you start writing?" The ebony haired man asked, his eyes shining.

"Sorry, what did you ask me?" Dan asked, shaking his head slightly and flushing as he realized he had been so concentrated on Phil's eyes he hadn't heard anything he had said.

Phil just laughed as he repeated his question. "When did you start writing?"

"Well when I was probably around thirteen I started writing poetry, then that lead me to become interested in being an actual writer," Dan recalled his early writing career, smiling back on the memories.

Phil smiled softly as he watched the nostalgic look cross over the younger boy's face. "I really want to read some more of your work, what I've seen so far is really good."

Dan blushed deeply, looking down at his hands in his lap. "It's really not that good, that was just an idea I scribbled down... I really don't-"

"Hey" Phil gently hooked his finger under Dan's chin, tilting his face up so that their eyes met. "It was bloody great." Dan blushed even darker, biting his lip to hide a smile.

"Th-thanks I guess..." He stuttered.

Phil let out a small chuckle, tracing his finger lightly over Dan's jawline before pulling his hand back.

At this point, Dan was practically a tomato. "I-I um.."

Phil just giggled as he watched as Dan stuttered helplessly. "The foods good, isn't it?" He asked smugly, taking a bite of a fry.

"Yeah...Oh, Yeah! It's- It's great." Dan smiled, grateful for the change of subject.

The two carried on conversation, mostly switching between the topics of their careers and how good of a cook Louise was.

It wasn't for another twenty minutes until Dan glanced at his phone and was rather disappointed to see his lunch break was nearly over. "I have to get back to work soon..." Dan sighed.

"Could I have the honor of walking you back?" Phil offered, quickly placing a check on the table (Dan was greatful) before standing up and offering the man his hand.

"You may," Dan smiled as he took Phil's hand and was lead out of the shop.

Neither one of them noticed the smirk that rested on Louise's lips as she watched the pair walk back outside, their hands linked.


Phil was still holding Dan's hand firmly as they walked down the street, not that Dan minded one bit.

"Thanks for lunch," Dan said, giving Phil a small smile.

"It was my pleasure." Phil smiled, giving Dan's hand a slight squeeze. "We should go out for lunch again sometime."

"Certainly," Dan replied, restraining himself from leaping with joy.

The two boys enjoyed the peaceful walk back to the small bookstore. Few words were exchanged, but sometimes words are not needed to express feelings.


The pair finally reached the front of the book store; Phil reluctantly let go of Dan's hand.

"I'll um, see you later I guess..." Dan muttered shyly, casting Phil a hopeful smile.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Phil winked, causing Dan to giggle and blush slightly.

"Oh um, I-I don't have your number." Dan blurted out suddenly, flushing a tad.

The young artist just grinned, pulling out his phone and giving it to Dan expectantly.

Dan saved his number then handed Phil's phone back to him, looking rather accomplished.

"I'll see you later then, Mr. Howell," Phil said formerly, holding out his hand.

"Indeed, Mr. Lester." Dan countered, shaking Phil's hand. He let out a sharp yelp as he was pulled into a tight hug. The young writer hadn't fully registered what had happened until Phil was already walking down the sidewalk, away from Dan.

Dan couldn't help but smile as he turned to unlock the door. Of course, you could hardly blame him-especially considering he just had lunch with Phil Lester.

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