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So finally Anjali reaches Mumbai with her fellow mates.She was extremely happy that at the end she'll be able to see One direction.It was more than a dream for her.They all went to their hotel .Some of her friends decided to visit some places in Mumbai but Anjali she didn't wanted to go anywhere because she wanted to look all fresh tomorrow for the concert.So she decided to sleep early ,while she was sleeping something broke her sleep .Some kind of buzzing all around .When she went out of her room people were talking that One direction aren't appearing ,this was all a rumour again.Anjali heart broke into pieces ,she was crying .She at once fetch her phone and went through twitter to get confirmed then she saw something which gave a relief to her heart
So India we are coming ..all directioners keep your heart safe and wait for us ...hope to have a great night and to see you too...
This was a tweet made by Niall horan on twitter which made Anjali confirm that one direction are coming ...this is not a rumour because his niall cannot make any fake tweets ...
Anjali informed this to all her fellow mates and once again went to sleep
So atlast I am going to India ..ohh !!i'll be able to meet her..would she come for the concert ??ohh !!god if she comes to the airport to see us. I have to look good I have to be presentable...
"liam how far are we from india...!!!!"Niall asked liam.
"Mate what had happened to you??this is the millionth time you are asking me the same question "liam chuckled
Niall blushed ,he had not tell anyone about@anjali_tulsyan .He has not told to his best mate louis too because first he want to meet her.To see she really exists ,though they are not allowed to talk to any of their fans without informing their manager because of which niall was very mad at ..because he was not able to text anjali on twitter
Finally ,niall reaches India,finally his heart started beating fast.approximately he saw his face in mirror for so many times that louis had to kick him to get out of the aeroplane .When one direction went out of the aeroplane people were shouting and happy .But niall's eye was searching someone else
Anjali's POV
So atlast One direction was here .Anjali woke up early as the flight was about to land up at 9:00am she got all ready .She tried to look casual ,so she put on a dark blue coloured jeans and a crop top ,she put on a high ponytail and little makeup ,she saw she was looking pretty ....
Then she hurried up for the airport being a small heighted a girl she was not able to see but with lot of efforts she reaches to the front row....her heart was sinking ....she didn't wanted this to be a dream she just don't wanted that she wakes up if it was a dream
Then suddenly a hand touched her hand it was NIALL HORAN ,he was stretching his hand to have a handshake with her,she grabs the hand tightly and was straight looking at his face .she wasn't overcome with the fact that she was holding NIALL HORAN'S hand ohh!!! Things were going so smooth
Anjali came back to the hotel and was dancing inside her heart she was so happy that she fall asleep for one hour!!!!

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