The Day

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*Don't mind the grammar mistakes*

"Alright everyone." My teacher, Mr. Liam says. "This spring break, I'll pair you guys up for an assignment that, might I add, is fifty percent of your grade." The class groans in response.

"Quit it, unless you want more to do." Immediately the class stops their arguing, and Mr. Liam nods. A voice talks behind me and I turn to see who it was. It's Gracie. Obviously. She never seems to understand anything. She should be in the slower classes but decides not to because she wants to be treated like everyone else.

"Yes Gracie?"

"Oh um. How will we know our partners?" She asks, turning red at all the peoples attention to her. "Great question Miss. Fatham. You will know your partners by me. I shuffled names in a box and picked them out by random. I can call them out now if you are so eager."

He gets the names from his chart after everyone nods, and starts reading them off.

"Albert with Vannessa. Chasee with Emma. Will with Doltan. Ethan with Amelia. Zack with Sophia. Claire with Luke.-"

Wait, what? As in.. The Luke? Like Luke Luke? I turn my head when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I find Luke Bennet smiling at me like the Cheshire Cat. What, does that make me the Mad Hatter? Okay wow. That was so off topic.

I raise my brow. "What do you want?" I whisper-yell. His grin widens, if that's even possible. What is there to smile about?! I feel like I'm already dying inside. His perfect brown hair, and dark green eyes just make me want to melt. Okay look. I'm not a stalker. It's just a little crush. He is just perfect! Well almost perfect. He's as dumb as a rock. And rocks are REALLY dumb.

Luke shakes his head, and looks straight. Okay then.... I turn around back at Mr. Liam.

"So what you will need to do is, do something crazy. That you think nobody else in their right mind would do." He explains. Now it's my turn to grin like a Cheshire Cat. I know exactly what to do with this project.

I'm going to teach Luke, the ways of being smart.


The last period bell rings and I dash off to my locker. Number 407... 407... Ha! Found it! I jot in the number, and grab my backpack from inside, then stuff my things in it. Turning around I-

I fall down on my butt.... Of course. Looking up, I see Luke trying to hold in his laughter. I glare up at him, and decide that since he obviously wasn't going to help me up, I would help my self. Once I got up, I wipe off my butt, and give one last glare before walking off.

He grabs my shoulder before I could leave though. Darn it. That was my chance. I should've ran instead of walked. Oh well I guess.

I turn around and let out a breath of air. I forgot that he was taller than me, because right now, my eyes are right at his smirking lips, and I find myself staring at them. They look so kissable at the moment.

"You want some Claire?" I blink rapidly when a blush rises up to my cheeks. Well that was embarrassing. "Anyways," He says, "Which house?"

"Hm?" I find myself say.

"Which house are we going to?"

Oh crap.... I haven't thought about that yet.

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