Chapter Two: Dead.

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It was dark.
He couldn't see.
"Where am I? A-am I dead?"


Dan was surrounded by black. Desperately trying to find a way out. Pacing back and forth until he sees a bright light. So beautiful, so peaceful.
His curiosity betters him and he's starting to walk towards it in a trance like state. He hears a faint voice calling out to him in the distance. He didn't turn around.

He didn't care.

Dan, realizing where he was and what was happening, he stops. He realizes that he is dead and the light is just beyond his touch. He wanted this. He wanted to be dead.

He continues to slowly walk towards the light, he starts to hear the voice but more louder and more clearer. It sounds familiar. Wait. It couldn't be. Is it? "Dan! Please don't go."

It was Phil.

Dan snapped out of the trance and stopped. "P- Phil? Is that really you?" The voice ceases and running footsteps are coming closer and closer to Dan. Dan was about to question what was happening but was cut off by a hug. Not just any hug. A hug from Phil. Dan immediately hugged back but tighter. He knew this was all fake and Phil was just a figment of his imagination. But he didn't care. If it meant holding Phil Lester, he'd take that opportunity. Dan is now balling his eyes out on Phil's shoulder. "I know you're not real *sniffle* but I need to tell you, I love you. More than anything. I'm so pathetic that I took my own life for you. Because I couldn't have you. I need you Phil." Phil hushed him and continued the hug. "I know I'm not real Dan. But you need to stay. If you want this moment to happen in real life, you need to stay." Dan broke away from the hug. "I don't wanna live a life without you, Phil." Dan started again to the light. "Wait, NO DAN PLEASE STAY." Dan started to run towards the light and not daring to look back at Phil. Dan needed him. But Phil probably didn't need Dan. He had PJ. Phil doesn't need Dan. Thinking about this just made Dan need the light. He didn't wanna live without Phil. "DAN, NO!!"



The beeping and chirping of electronic machines became louder and louder until Dan opened his eyes.

He was in a hospital bed.

"Fuck...I'm alive."

Holy crap that was intense
I know this fic is all over the place but I'm trying lmao.

If you like and want me to continue this fic, comment and follow for more content!

(I'll try to add a chapter everyday)

You're in store for one hell of a story.



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