Prologue: All Destined

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    The yellow rodent picked his way through the undergrowth, his lightning-shaped tucked in fear. With each step, he seemed more cautious, as he foretold impending danger. But he knew the trouble was imminent, and inevitable. There was no running, only pressing forward, and hoping for the best. So that's what he did.
   He pricked its ears up, and fanned his tail out. His beady black eyes sparkled with defiance. He, with a confident stride, advanced to what he knew was certain doom, but taking into account the fact that avoiding it was impossible, and had to be faced. The bushes rustled as he stepped into a grassy clearing of the nightly forest.
   Before him stood a young girl holding a sphere in her hand, with one half being colored red, the other white. As she saw the thunder-themed mouse, she threw the round object, and as it opened while it came in contact with the leafy ground a few feet from the rodent, it elicited a red light. From the red glow evoked a fiery fox-like creature, that let out a menacing bark spoiled by its small stature, petite appearence, and the high pitch of its cry. Instead of anything intimidating, its sound was more along the lines of, "Squeak squeak!" Nonetheless, the sound the human made was much more frightening.
   "Go, Kinny!" She shouts in encouragement to the bushy tailed dog. The creature standing at the other end of the moonlit clearing knew what this meant. She planned on fighting him. This also meant one of two things: perhaps she would capture him, and he be forced into a life of slavery, or, more likely, she would injure him greatly, and leave him dying and unconscious on the woods' floor. No one helped those who had fallen, as the ones who had not needed to be protected and cared for as well. Why waste the time, and the resources? The woodland animals weren't as profitable as the humans in healing.

   "Alright, use ember!" She commands, the creature named Kinny happy to comply. The rodent darted out of the way, the heat of the flaming ball of fire and ash singeing his bightly colored pelt. He did not fight back. He merely squeaked, "Pika!" mournfully, hoping she would spare him. She only seemed confused.
   "Use ember, again!" Yells the girl, with a hint of hesitation. Kinny obeyed with reluctance, another live peice of coal whizzing by the mouse-like mammal like an arrow dipped in lava. A fire-proof arrow, of course. Or else it would burn. Ahem, I mean, he only just dodged the attack, pure determination in his demeanor. She narrowed her eyes. Instead of ordering her partner to attack, she took out another spherical object, and tossed it at the rodent. He didn't resist, and soon, everything faded to nothing.

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