A Typical Day

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Kayla's P.O.V

'Just get through hell and it's over...' I think to myself as I walked down the abandoned hiking trail. A soft breeze swept through my hair and I shuddered, making me rethink my outfit.
A gray hoodie with a white undershirt, light blue shorts, and gray converse high tops. My somehow naturally red hair was wavy as usual and never put in a ponytail. I had multiple bracelets on my wrist but I took all of them off and into my backpack, leaving two things. My bracelet and my watch.

It was my favorite bracelet that my great grandmother had given to me. A single silver lining that wrapped around my wrist with the same small colored leaves. In the middle was a bright red rose, with a dark red gem in it.
My mother had explained how great grandmother always liked me the most out of my sister's but I didn't find that surprising. They were always snobbish and rude to everyone, especially to me.

The watch was just so I could keep track of time.

Anyway, I snapped back to reality when I realized I had walked to far from where I was suppose to turn. I frantically checked my watch.

"Oh shit I'm gonna be late." I angrily muttered and hurriedly turned back around, running as fast as I could to get to school (A.K.A) "hell". This day is already starting out bad...


I slammed the classroom door open, bent over and held myself up with my hands on my knees, gasping for air. My legs ached and my lungs were so close to bursting. I felt sweat drip slid down my face and onto my neck. I balled my hands into a fist and lightly pounded on my chest.
After a few minutes of breathing like Darth Vader, I held onto my bracelet and almost immediately I could breath properly again, and the pain in my legs and lungs were gone.

'Because that's not weird.'  Note the sarcasm.

I straightened myself and checked my watch, I was an hour late. Wait a minute. I couldn't have taken that long. I looked into the classroom but it was empty, no one was here. Looking at the clock above the teachers desk, I groaned. I took my watch off and flipped it around, it was freaking upside down. So what I thought was 9:06 was 6:09. How could I have missed that?

I huffed and pushed my hair out of my face, biting my lips. It was sort of a habit. "Might as well take this time to get some rest." I muttered to myself and walked into the classroom, slowly closing the door behind me.
I slowly observed the classroom and yawned.

I walked through the rows of desk and went straight to the back. I took the desk near the windows, the last one on its row, and swung my backpack off while sitting down. I stretched my legs out in front of me and leaned back into my chair. I reached into my backpack which I placed near the leg of my chair, on the side near the window.

I pulled out my headphones, and took my phone out of my hoodie pocket. I plugged the headphones in and wrapped them around my head, making sure it tightly covered my ears. I turned on my phone and wiped smudge off of it. I opened my playlist and played a song.

The music was pop songs and I sang along, not realizing how loud I was. Finding the position uncomfortable, I slumped forward and rested my head and arms in the desk. I looked towards the window and stared at the sky, slowly closing my eyes. My singing turned into soft breathing and suddenly, I was asleep.


I sat up in shock as someone slammed a book onto my desk. I looked around surprised and realized that all of the desk were filled with a student, and they were all staring at me. I glanced at my watch but it was blurry. 'Fuck...'
I look at the person who slammed the book and took of my headphones, unplugging it and stuffing it back into my backpack, leaving my phone in my pocket. Growling I asked, "What do you want Bernice?"

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