Sneaky And Freaky

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Kayla's P.O.V

I didn't see that figure creeping behind me but I sensed it. I chose to ignore it since it didn't feel like a real threat or anything. As I walked down the street towards my house, I started thinking about what happened at school.
What was that? Why wasn't I freaking out about it? It was as if it was a natural routine or something, my reflexes were faster and I was way faster then normal.

I remembered how I hit Bernice square in the face, and her head hit the floor hard, which probably caused the bleeding. I also remembered how hard I had slammed Jungkook's head onto the ground. He barely seemed fazed.
My eyes were red, as if anger radiated out of them. I reached down and felt my bracelet, I had seen it soak in the blood through the dark red gem. As if the color was from the blood.

'No, you know what? This is probably some horrid dream okay? Let's just go home and try to wake up!'

I think to myself and stretch. If this was a dream then I wouldn't have felt the pain. I sighed. Reality is a bitch.

I made it to the step of my house when my instincts told me to turn around and kick, which I did. The figure that was lurking behind me, skidded across the floor and landed on his feet, rising back up. I heard him groan and sort of wheeze for breath.
"W-who the fuck are you and what do you want?" I shouted and the person seemed to hesitate.

"You're in grave danger." The person said and I backed up. "W-what?" I asked surprised.
"They're coming.." The person said as they started backing up and onto the sidewalk.

"What? Wait, who's coming?" I asked. He looked around hurriedly. "Them, the lost souls, they're coming after you. Beware." The guy dashed away before I could stop him.
"W-wait! What are you talking about?" The guy turned around and pointed at me. He seemed to be nervous.
"Only you can stop him, spirit hunter!" He ran away and I watched his retreating figure in confusion. Not knowing what to say.

"I've been around to many weirdos" I whispered to myself and reached around for my backpack, "Wait, where's my backpack?" I grumbled to myself as I reached around but felt nothing. "No, no, no. That's not good." I said to myself.
I left my backpack at school, and if I go back, they'll expand my suspension time. But that's only if they catch me, I smirked.

"Well, this day was a bit bad but that doesn't mean it had to end bad."


I walked into my house and went to change. Making sure to lock the door and all the windows, I made my way up to my room. I was so tired but I needed my backpack, it had things in there. Certain things. Things that will probably get me sent to jail if found at school. I needed it back.

I trudged up the stairs and quickly ran down the hall, and into my room. I always run because it felt like someone was running after me. It gave me the creeps.
As I entered, I closed the door tightly and locked it, sorta out of habit. Breathing a sigh of relief, I walked to my closet.

Pulling off my hoodie, I switched my white plain shirt into a black one. My short were switched to black sweats and my gray converse was switched into black one. I left my watch and bracelet on. Feeling complete, I looked into the mirror to see if there was anything wrong with my outfit, which there was.
"Freaking hair." I muttered as I looked around for something to try and hide my red hair. I went back to my closet and found a black snapback.

"It'll work," I said as I looked in the mirror to check myself. I looked like I was ready to go rob someone but it was fine.
I heaved a sigh, second thoughts slowly seeped inside me.

I shook my head and hit myself on the head. "Just get your backpack and then get out of there."
I walked back out of my front door, making sure all the light were closed and everything was secured. I closed the front door and locked it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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