Story Three: Jiley - New Life

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Hey guys! This is my third one shot story. A little shorter sorryyyyyy. As many of you know I mainly write Trittany fanfiction and am known for getting Britt/Riley and Trevor/James mixed up like ALL the time ahahahaha. Just wanted to give y'all a heads up before I started as so many people correct me and it's just easier......ahhhh okay on with the story. I got this idea based off a couple family Youtubers. I don't know if you've heard of "the Johnson fam" or "daily bumps" before but they are vloggers who have children and film parts of their lives so that when they're older they can relive those moments. It's really cute and Missy and Bryan (daily bumps) did a birth blog last September and I was watching it and thought how cool would it be if this was James and Riley. So this is my creation. I've added one of their videos above. One of my favourites. Enjoy xxx

Riley POV
"Come on Riley. Push baby girl. That's it. Keep going!!" James encourages me as I press on his hand, harder than anything I've gripped before. Childbirth was painful and luckily he understood that. However, just because this was the last part of labour, I was very early into the pushing stage and I was nervous. James is just the best though and I know he'd do anything to help me.
"Ahhhh oh my god make it stop James" I say, grinding my teeth through the pain. I squeeze his hand harder and he rubs it softly, smiling it at me before the midwife speaks up.
"And rest for 10. Then we'll keep going" the midwife says as I collapse my legs. "You're doing great Riley" she says calmly and James smiles, kissing my hand. I breathe out heavily as James pulls my legs back up again
"Okay big push for me Riley" she instructs and I moan before pushing once again.
"Fuck fuck fuck!!! UGHHHHH" i scream "Oh god it hurts" I add trying to push harder
"Come on beautiful. You can do this. Push Ri" James encourages and I groan again before resting once more.

9 months ago, I had suddenly began to become really sick. We were away with the current a troupe for internationals. This time with the new forum of people. They were fighting for the second consecutive world title, after us of course, when our original team that both James and I were part of, won. James and I were co-owners of the studio and were fighting extremely hard to get the team a second win, which did happen and the team were excited, so was I, but I was too sick to celebrate. And because of my sickness, I missed all of the celebrations with the team which sucked because we were only still young and having a good night out was always going to be a blast. It came to the end of the trip, we'd all travelled to Australia for the event and James had had enough. He asked me if I thought it was more than just being sick and I was confused at first but after realising that I was over a week late, that my cycle hadn't been for nearly 6 weeks, when I was usually due every month, a sudden realisation hit that I might have been pregnant.

I took a test on the way back to Canada, nervous and anxious, and knowing that I wouldn't last that whole entire trip not knowing, took it there on the plane. However, being extremely lazy and non-aware that I was in first class seats booked with the team, keeping the results of the test from everyone else was particularly hard. I was confirmed pregnant that nightmare on the plane and James was over the moon. We were 25 then. Young still and not married. If I had chosen when to be pregnant, it definitely wouldn't have been then but it's what happened. James and I had had sex a lot, especially upcoming to Internationals cause we knew we'd be really busy there and just way too tired and James and  I were close- Ben together 6 years so it was time. It was up to James when he wanted to propose, and he did half way through my pregnancy at an ultrasound when we found out the gender. And I guess that leads us to here.

It has been a bumpy ride, especially telling the team and our family. We had managed to hand over the studio to Michelle. She was a little younger than James and I and had the talent and experience to tackle this challenge. Because we were getting married after the baby came and of course it still had to come, we both came to the decision that we'd just not have enough time for the studio anymore. As much as we loved it, it just needed a new generation and our time had obviously concluded. It was sad saying goodbye, and the hormones really didn't make it any better but we got through it, promising to come back whenever we could - hopefully with our new baby girl.

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